Thursday, December 31, 2009

Renting Farmhouse Tables

completely translated Mother 3! Mother 1 and 2

Today begins a new year, and as we started well we are pleased to announce that the game is finally translated into 100% and have already started work late testing and review. We are in the final stretch of this enormous project, and therefore we strive to polish the fruit of our effort all we can to ensure that the result is unbeatable.

not venture even to give us estimated dates of completion because it has become clear that contingencies (living up to its name) appears when you least expect it, something that becomes obvious when we consider that we wanted to have the game translated and revised to this time ... the fact is that we are giving you all the haste we can and try to combine this with our routine chores as best we can. So, I ask one last push from you, one last breath to endure with patience what is missing so that you have in your hand Mother 3 in English. We assure you that will pay off.

With your support our efforts and do everything possible so that this year is the year of Mother 3, a great year that you can not ever forget, not on your side, or for ours.

Happy 2010 to everyone from the whole team!