Monday, March 28, 2011

Archery Recurve Risers


Attentive to the lush production depublicaciones wrong by the North Journal, The Directorate of Bosquesnuevamente requires the use of Right to Reply, should aclararnecesariamente each misinformation and tendentious daily sedifunde .
Before punctuating debidaaclaración recalled that the right to reply, is "the action ejerciciode why a personapuede express their disagreement with the issuance of a message for sucontenido or form. Is a right that is practiced in the civilized relacionesinterpersonales, especially when the person involved in elmensaje, is not this and feel aggrieved. There is a moral duty decomunicar given the opportunity to express their dissent. "
Under this, it is necessary dejarsentado, that this right of reply, exercised On Monday March 21 last, in response to the daily publication of North of Sunday March 20, by partedel production minister, Enrique Orban, on your behalf ofall governing body was not respected by the North Journal, and that inthe same note, within the right of reply, he introduced his clear position, entitled "Production Notes", making burdatendenciosidad intervention, which has been recurrent in recent days.
That said, our deldía denied point by point :
said the North Journal:
"inrespect point 13, accusing the failure to collect fines representing 100millones pesos ..."
Answer: During gestiónllevada out by the arborist, Mario Bejarano, by the Secretariat Natural deRecursos, it produced two short instruments plazoresultaron very controversial in its implementation , Decree No. 216/09, (aúnvigente) and Forest Certificate (not applicable) .-
delDiario Questioning North, referred promptly to the notice and publication in that medium duranteel 2009, when Mr. Mario Bejarano proclaimed a fabulous sum of $ 100,000,000, for the collection of fines Through the Directorate of Forests . It was based on elDecreto N º 216/09, which came into effect from March 2009, giving it retroactive effect and may be used at the time of detection dela satellite image, regardless of momentode the commission of the offense.
worth noting also queel Decree 216/09, establishing fines ranging from $ 2,950 to $ 10,000 porcada been removed.
Accordingly, the Natural Resources anteriorSecretario (Bejarano), ordered that the decree, seaplicara all cases that come before the Directorate deBosques, in which offenders were not yet reported, despite queen almost all cases the offenses were committed with anterioridada the effective date of the decree said. Thus, Mr. Bejarano automatically multiplied the many of you who threw the imágenessatelitales, for the maximum amount that ordered the new decree, ($ 10,000), fijandode mathematically the sum to be paid by the offender allegedly prior to being notified .-
Obviously, the sum of these accounts queresultaba reached such astronomical sums, and imagined yfantasiosos, there arises the large sum of $ 100,000,000, of which North .- daily sepregunta
Another measure porBejarano ordered was double the previous record for the duration of decreto216/09, or to be understood, "replace" new ones with the sanciónprevista in the new decree, in those cases where supuestosinfractores had not yet been reported, thus, the new leyvigente applied retroactively.
That operation, apartede retroactively apply the decree, meant "prejudgment" administration because all ocurríacuando just starting the record condemning without analyzing the situation the same or expect to complete the process to reach the final for the issuance of correspondienteResolución .-
seoriginaran This led to various poses legal by managed, arguing on the one hand, the "Principle deIrretroactividad of law", and secondly, the excess void punibilidadsolicitando administrative act under ladesproporcionalidad of the penalty, as there were different situations funds announced quetornaron illusory, for example, that some presentabansus permits, or that there was no native forest on the property, etc., but in cases lamayoría , reality and the evidence indicated that INFRACCIONESFUERON committed before OF ENTRY TERM OF DECREE No. 216/09, was accepted as the standard application of force at the time of the offense, not ladetección .- This explains clearly that queel amount calculating Bejarano up, it sounded very convenient for laprensa, and it was a way to add the accreditation of an amount unreal, but resultabamuy good management. That is the truth about the $ 100,000,000, which nuncafueron such, and therefore could never be recovered. (The year 2009 was the demenor income from fines to the Department of Forests, as it charged $ 700,000) .-
hope to have aclaradola doubt the Journal Editorial north, fines of $ 100,000,000, leaving their own conclusion of who is or was the "bad lapelícula" .-
We refer to segundoinstrumento created by Bejarano, Monte Native Certificate by Order No. 1671-1609, prompting criticism Clerks ofall the province, through judicial pose lacausa Padilla Echeverry "WRITE THE CHACO COLLEGE C / EXECUTIVE OF THE PROV. THE CHACO Y / OPROVINCIA CHACO S / ACTION AMPARO "Expte. No. 888/09 that was processed in the House Contentious Administrative .
This certificate each vezque a person wanted to sell a field, should apply to the Directorate deBosques this certificate to be presented to the clerk prior to laescritura. Thus, the escribanosdebían suspend the scriptures, until the previous Forest Management, issued the certificate, but as there were no records of offenders, the measure was unfeasible because the delay caused in the trámitesnotariales, since Forest management did not have that information, unless to conduct thorough investigations, file by file, Anopore year, etc., which inevitably caused the cessation of all activitieslisted that came off of such transactions .-
In the next section, setranscriben the rules governing the application of the laws to serexplicativos on the irregularities committed by Mr. Forest Bejarano inits previous administration.
1. DATE OF FROM A TO WHICH BEGINS A RULE a law and retroactivity of THE LAW:
temporary Term of Decree No. 216/09 . Art. 2 of the Laws Civilestablece clear that in cases where time is not determined " seránobligatorias after eight days of their official publication . This principle applies not only to the laws in the formal sense, but for all rule does not establish a specific date force input.
addition, Article 3 of the Civil Code clearly states that ' Lasley has no retroactive effect, whether or not public policy, salvodisposición otherwise. Retroactivity established by law in any casopodrá affect rights protected by constitutional guarantees . "
The principle of retroactivity means that the laws rigenpara the future and, therefore, a new law can not return to sold out situacioneso legal relations, or legal actions already taken. Loshechos past who have exhausted all their own virtuality can not seralcanzados by the new law, the notion of legal consumption, and the affected sise, retroactivity would be incurred .-
In this case, the Decree No. 216/09 was published in Official elBoletín of the province of Chaco, February 23, 2009, noestableciéndose any specific date of entry into force. Therefore, temporary suaplicación started from the eighth day after supublicación in the official gazette of the province of Chaco, this is the March 8, 2009. Until then, the decree was in force ILO standard N º 817/05.
There is a fundamental principle of criminal law " nullumcrimen iuditio ac sine lege" , this requires that the legal existence penalde the contrary, necessarily dependent on a statute that the set. The procedure followed Administration to implement the sanctions, lasgarantías must respect the provisions of Article 18 of the Constitution (Dromi, José Roberto, "Administrative Criminal Law", Volume I, Editorial Astrea, Buenos Aires, 1992 , p. 125).
also the High Court has understood that the configuration of undelito or infringement by slight, and its repression, is subject to the core task of the legislature and is beyond the orbit of the facultadesejecutivas. Nobody is forced to do what the law does not require private or it does not prohibit foulbrood (article 19 of the Constitution ). Hence arises the need for a law to send or prohibits a thing, lest a person can incurred at fault for having done or omitted to act endeterminado sense. And it must be, at the same time, a sanciónlegal to repress the breach so that person should be condemned portal made (Article 18 of the Constitution ).
the proportionality of the sanction. Another of the principles of administrative penalty has not sidoobservado in the implementation of the fine is that it blocks excess puniciónpor unreasonable and disproportionate amount of the penalty.
The case law and doctrine developed elconcepto of "excessive punishment" as grounds for revocation of administrative acts involving an act so unreasonable, that is a direct affront to losartículos 28 and 33 of the Constitution (Marienhoff, Michael S., "excesssilicone of punishment as invalidating the legal act of public law" Law 1989-E-963) .- In the case of Decree 216/09, and indiscriminate amount suaplicación referred by him superior in almost Disable ALL cases, besides being irrelevant, the exorbitant fine imposed eraevidente. Only enough to see that the amount was about ten times superioral market value of the property in question, making unviable suaplicación, and therefore its recovery.

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Achievements in San Bernardo Nursery

is presented Here is a report on progress achieved in the nursery of St. Bernard for the past seven months.
San Bernardo, Chaco.

The San Bernardino Forest Nursery, Nursery located in the neighborhood of the town, open to the public from Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 12:00. and 16:00 to 19:00.

Carob Seedlings Nursery in San Bernardo.

The commitment to quality has led to the registration of same to the proper authorities, aiming at the production of trees in a continuous and adequate quantities to meet demand in the area.

Tourn Standard says: "Our nursery is one of the first projects Foundation
Southwest Chaco in partnership with the Department of Forestry Province, in seven months of work has been put in terms of facilities and reach a production of 45,000 copies, is this specializing in the production of native forest species and exotic
adaptable to the area to use curtains, forest shelter and ornamentation, as well as garden ornamentals. "

currently has stock of species: Fresno, Foot Ox, Casuarina, umbrella and Paradise Paradise Japanese, Jacaranda, Timbo, Algarrobo and Yours. There are also varieties of ornamental garden, are specializing in species that are adapted to the climate of the area.

Notably, the team of workers and professionals are available to the public
to meet their needs and invites you to visit their facilities.

and are sold to individuals are made collaboration agreements with institutions. Tourn said "we are carrying out afforestation Quad EGB N ° 755 and landscaping of the estate of Florentino Ameghino Museum. In 2010 began an awareness campaign on environmental care, inviting the local educational institutions to perform guided visits with his students, where they could know what the productive work performed in the nursery, as well as develop research educational activities and recreational activities for children. "

Source: Southwest Foundation Chaco.

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had almost completed an MA I did in a workshop with Lourdes in Bambola, but as always, I needed to put the photos, so I took the crop of yesterday for them.

I love the result, I must say that is definitely one of my favorite projects, how it changes when you put the photos!

In my case I have pictures of my childhood, when he was super small, b / w every time I see him I like !!!!!

I put a picture for you to see the result. As you can put the pictures of the entire album to miss no detail, because it really is worth the entire view.

Have a nice week!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jeep Liberty Template

My time and preparation ....

Already weekend!, And if only I get to rest on Sunday .... thanks

seems a shame not to update the blog more often, the truth is that preparations for the wedding I removed all the free time I have ... although I admit I'm enjoying it a lot ...

The invitations are almost finished (I hope next week go to the recipients), the fabric of the dresses of the bridesmaids to choose and buy (it is going to be pretty .... gorgeous !!!), and more things that I will not reveal, jijiji is top secret!

The truth is that despite having no free time, I get a little hole for scraping, there was a day between the invitation and encouragement that I could not help, apart everything and I did a page, I was great!, cheerful, colorful, ... Sassafras using different papers (coincidentally the role of the invitations I was doing at that time was also Sassafras!).
that, although I have invitations to finish (about 50 to be exact), tomorrow I take the morning off from wedding preparations and .... crop is at home with Lara and Gemma! We will take to complete or start some new projects we have in mind ....
the afternoon put pics.

A kiss to all and Happy Saturday!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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Captain America - Official Trailer.

Here is the official trailer of the movie Captain America / The First Avenger . In fact they look very interesting advance of the movie and will probably repeat the success of Iron Man

What do you think?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Happened To Sandra Model Russian


The Directorate of Forestry of Chaco Province is in charge of the operation Makallé forest nursery under the technical direction of Oscar Guari arborist who comments on the matter.
Mr. Oscar Guari
technical advisor Makallé Forest Nursery.

The tree nursery is located south of Makallé about 2 km . Village. It is reached by Route 16, after entering the village must go to the bottom, in the last street to two km. On
customer service are Monday through Friday mornings from 6:30 to 12:30 am and afternoon from 12:30 to 18:30.
Seedlings produced in the nursery of various tree species.

The plants are donated only to public entities (schools or municipalities) and charities. The grant is effective upon the filing by the official of a note addressed to the director of forests, requesting the required number of species, species and the fate that will be given to them.
species that the public can buy today are: eucalyptus, carob, lapacho pink, yellow lapacho, Ibirá-Puit-wolf, ash, casuarina, grevilea, leg of beef.
be recalled that the production of seedlings depends on the availability of seeds that are available. According
Resolution ° 630/09 detailed how much it costs to acquire each seedling depending on your destination and the species to which it belongs:
* Seedlings for reforestation plans approved by the Directorate of Forestry at $ 0.50 ea
* Seedlings of Eucalyptus, grevilea, casuarina and carob to $ 0.95 ea
* Seedlings of other species to $ 1.50.

Activities done
The activities carried out in the nursery, are all those involved in the production of saplings and maintain them as the venue. Among the activities that stand out include:
* Preparation of the substrate.
* Loaded with briefcases.
* Planting.
* Irrigation and fertilization.
* Movement of seedlings and root pruning, among other activities.
On Monday March 21 tasks begin installation of two new greenhouses opening zenith ( 6 m wide x 21 m long) and building a new house.
Also within the grounds of the nursery was carried out a clonal test of Eucalyptus, it covers about one hectare .. The planting took place on December 1, 2010.

Source: Secretary of Natural Resources in the province of Chaco.
Coverage journalism and photography: Eng. Natalia E. Ambrogio.

Friday, March 18, 2011

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eucalyptus plantation The remains fit Breñas

Victor Forest Technician Forest laDirección Galeano said the evolving trial started late in the INTA añopasado Las Breñas, Chaco.

Recordemosque had made a eucalyptus plantation on December 22, 2010. himself is a progeny test by which to evaluate padresa looking through the children with to find a species of eucalyptus to suit soil conditions and climate of oestechaqueño. The Eucalyptusarghopoia is a species that is doing very well in dry areas of Australia portal reason this experimental test is performed by inserting a nuestraprovincia so you can evaluate what their behavior.

Galeano said that "the new plantation tuvointervención February 26, the day he was cleaning around plants delas. Later do the tutoring to all floors yrecientemente, on March 16 was carried out weeding between plants and between the lines. "

arghopoia Eucalyptus seedlings with tutor.

"There was no need for irrigation so far," continued professional diciendoel and then added: "The very clinched eucaliptosse Feed it well planted to the site were very few who did not survive losindividuos approximately less than 10%, which seencuentra within normal. "
current situation
trial in INTA The Breñas.

FinalmenteVíctor Galeano said "the general state of laplantación is good, there was a good percentage of seizure, there was laaparición new shoots have good sanitary alterreno good fit, there was no presence of insects or rodents and ants not affected so far. "

Source: Department of Natural Resources Chaco.
Interview by Eng. Natalia E. Ambrogio.
Photos: Téc phthalate. Victor Hugo Galeano.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Black Death Symptoms Order

Your profile photo is all about you. Facebook Profile Pics-WORST EVER!

Surfing the web I find this video called " Facebook Profile Pics WORST EVER!"
where in a fun, stress the importance of the photo's Facebook profile if you want to get an appointment, I do not deny after watching the video, they realized that several his "friends" of the "Face" has some kind of picture that says the sketch. Here I leave the video and remember Mono Project is also on Facebook.

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Logos and trademarks MOTHER / EarthBound

long time ago, a group of hounds EarthBounderos found something great on several sites of trademark / patent international. Here are some logos and marks I got to dig those old forum threads:


Here are some logos submitted to the Japan Patent Office, on the right is the one used at the end:
You can see here . First you need to click on "Japanese Trademark Database", then write "mother" in the form and click "SEARCH", then "INDEX." Apparently there is a revised brand (and possibly logo) that was recorded also in 2005. I have not investigated much, so maybe there's more.

Earth Bound (NES) brands / titles

  • NOA presented the name "Mother", which you can see here . NOA
  • also presented "Space Bound", you can see here .
  • And that's when submitted NOA "Earth Bound", you can see here . You can find them in

  • USPTO's website. There is even the possibility of more interest, so checadlo from time to time!

    find more info about this in this old issue, but I do not know if I was able to save all pictures / info. I remember Other logos were also discovered, so if anyone remembers what I mean or comes with any more information let me know!

    other news
    extracted and translated for me in Central EarthBound.
    certainly made a good choice with the logo, do not you think? :)

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    Batman: Arkham City - New Trailer.

    The WB just bring out a new trailer of upcoming Batman title called Batman: Arkham City , which will leave for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC next October 18. Enjoy it looks awesome.

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    Interactive Brokers Margin


    tore at Plaza elcurso Formulation and Evaluation of Forestry Projects.

    Following the training provided by the Directorate Bosquesdependiente of the Ministry of Production of the Province of Chaco presidency began in La Plaza training on "Evaluation of Forestry Projects Formulacióny "at the premises of the Association deProductores and Industrial Forestry in the town.

    Mr. Masin lecturing to participants in the course of project formulation and evaluation in Plaza.

    Representing the Directorate of Forestry did the course start the Eng. NataliaAmbroggio who also welcomed participants. Notably lapresencia the President of the Association deProductores Forestry and Industrial Plaza, Lord Jose Pardo who acompañóel development of the day. Attendees are
    agronomists, foresters, students and generalinteresados \u200b\u200bon the subject.
    Classes will resume on March 17.23 and Y30 are the Bachelor loscapacitadotes Oscar Masin Rural Management, the ContadorCarlos Basin and Forest Eng Juan Pablo Cinto.

    Natural Secretary deRecursos the province of Chaco.

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Finding Hazards Worksheets


    BEGIN MARCH 18TH IN THE CITY Chaco of Scrub, training on minimum cutting through inventory COURSE REPETITION FORESTAL.ES currently being developed on time.

    is a free course organized by the Directorate of Forestry under the Ministry of Production in Chaco Province Provincial Initiatives framed in project-Native Forests and Biodiversity (BNB).
    The first class will be March 18 at 8 pm in the Conference Room of the Agricultural Experimental Station of INTA The Breñas.
    The trainers will Eng Pedro Delvalle phthalate phthalate and Eng. Edward Dieringer.

    Trainers Course
    Forest Inventory.
    agronomists, foresters, agronomists, and foresters.

    requirements for the course:
    To have completed the training that the Department of Forests issued in Sáenz Peña on February 7, 2010 or having participated in the course of Project Evaluation Castelli forest or Las Breñas.

    Send an email requesting to be registered to 03722-15618803 or call 8 to 12 hours until 16 March inclusive.

    Source: Department of Natural Resources of the Province of Chaco.

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    Pictures Irina Werning - Recreating the past.

    Sometimes I forget to post about photography, but today I just saw a project that really moved me, will I talk fast, imagine a picture of his childhood that they enjoy it .. . remember all the elements that were in that picture, now how would take that same picture today? ...

    Back To The Future is the name of the photographic exhibition by Irina Werning and basically consists of recreating old photographs today with its protagonists. Here is some pictures and I recommend to check the complete site> Back To The Future

    I recommend also check the Project Chini and remember you can follow us on twitter: / proyecto_mono

    Monday, March 7, 2011

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    Let Me In - The recommendation of the week.

    Hollywood not wanted to be back in the remake of Let the tape (Lat den ratte komma in) Swedish original production of 2008 and in 2010 launched its own version: Let me In.

    Let Me In is the story of two very special; Owen ( Kodi Smit-McPhee) is a child with serious self-esteem, which is haunted by their classmates and also charged with the painful separation from their parents and Abby ( Chloë Grace Moretz ) is the new Girl Next Door of the housing complex where he lives Owen is a mysterious girl who keeps a dark secret. Suddenly a series of bizarre murders in the town revolve around Abby's arrival and a very friendly relationship and dependencies between these two children grow.

    Here is the trailer.

    recommend them if you like thrillers, suspense films and especially the vampires. I do not mean better but I await your comments and discussed together.

    Twitter follow us remember PD> MONO PROJECT

    Saturday, March 5, 2011

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    Forest Inventory Training in Province of the Plaza.

    4of On Friday March the Association of Producers and Forest Industrial Plaza Forest Inventory empezóel course framed Provincial Initiatives delproyecto-native forests and Biodiversity (BNB) Forestry organized by the address of the Ministry of Production of provinciadel Chaco. Classes will resume on
    11 and March 12 coincide withthe are in charge of forestry engineers and Eduardo Pedro Delvalle Dieringer.
    Preda engineers and Eduardo Delvalle Dieringer explaining the issues.

    Ing Agr. Natalia Ambroggio deBosques Directorate did the course start and welcomed participants. Mr. Dieringer Posteriormenteel began with the development of themes.
    acompañaronesta also phthalate activity Eng. Ana Altamiranda and Forest Technology KarinaFernández Litavetz, members of the Technical Department of the Forestry Division suespacio who had to respond to technical questions relevant to the Directorate of Forests which made losparticipantes.
    Estacapacitación includes a practice field that will take place in the INTA EstaciónForestal in that locality. It should be noted that the same ingenierosagrónomos encuentranparticipando, foresters, agronomists and technicians to forestry forestalesvinculados Chaco.

    Source: Department of Natural Resources of the Province of Chaco.

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

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    Consultation meeting to determine the market price of the log wood

    With the presence of representatives of the Forestry Associations, the two tanineras and provincial government represented by the Director of Forestry and Natural Resources Secretary , was the second round of negotiations in which they talked about the sustainability of the resource, and a price reference for producers to ensure profitability in production, after a long debate discussed the costs of production presented by the Forest Products Association, which were made in consideration of the tanineras, who requested time to analyze them, agreeing a another meeting to set prices on 15 March.

    Source: National Forests of the Province of Chaco .-

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Speech To Compere A School Function

    Cee Lo Green - Fuck You

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011

    Team Name For March Of Dimes Walk


    the Bureau will meet price fixing of timber set the price of the log of red quebracho.

    The meeting will take place in the city of Resistencia, on March 2 at 17 hours at Government House for pricing and the log of red quebracho. Recall that the February 23 had begun negotiations to provide timber market prices between industrial foresto entrepreneurs who were accompanied by Assistant Secretary of Natural Resources, Eng Agr. Michael Brunswig and Director Forests; Eng. Miguel Angel Lopez.
    With the mediation of the Provincial Government, on that occasion, representatives of the sector present, agreed that they should update the costs of production in order to set the reference price ton of roundwood without freight, truck-making mill and make clear what are the variables that alter the price.

    Source: Department of Natural Reciursos the province of Chaco.