Sunday, December 26, 2010

Swollen Gums And Streph Throat


We apologize for leaving the blog awhile but the holidays brought us a holiday. . . but we tell them:

Mono Project wishes you a Merry Christmas
And a prosperous 2011.


See you in 2011 with more info.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Raylene Richards Calendars

2011 Happy Mother 1 and 2 [Reminder]

Many of those who expect Mother 3 in English can you have not played the previous installments.
So I uploaded the first two games of the series in one pack so you can enjoy them while we finish the translation.

Here's the pack (includes Mother difficult patch 1):

Mother 1 and 2

A Game On!

PS: The two are translated into English, but in Mother 2, for some failures, there are parts that appear in English.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to expose it in the comments.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Best Painkiller To Take Before Wax


Union Wide World of Humans and Activitys Site


Life is an attitude, love is a acctitud, work is a acctitud and falling in love is an attitude of illusion, not something or someone.
all in you, are you, always have been, are your emotions and here I'll show you how to understand and manage your emotions, here you have captured your essence, what I always felt, as always knew and for some reason forgotten on the road. Continue reading
with illusion, and you hear yourself, not a speech or a lecture, I'm here, not to speak, not even to listen to you, just to make space in your mind and listen to yourself and really force and intensity of the sounds of silence, your silencio.Siempre reason you had not ever doubt your illusion, and ability to surprise, because that was your essence is your essence.
You see your self in boiling, relax and enjoy. Smiling
Fernando Real, someone like you bs:

German Figurines Marks


call upon any person, asciacion, foundation, corporation, project, Univera, school, college, government of any and all ckase mundob to translate their idea or project Mundisl a government for the common management of this plsneta, and an end to injustices, inequalities and enfrentamientos.Y how to manage natural resources, environment and education of joint forms.
This is our idea in the world wide union projected human site:
pleasse, view in blog (, Project mundial.Para government study, discussion and aportancion of ideas.Se is a project involving the most relevant Unversity mundo.Podeis participate with your project own, including all Unversity the project will be chosen presentaremosven UNESCO, March 15, 2011, and elected representatives of the project, will expose you to the assembly of the United Nations on 21 September.
For more information: Fernando Real, President worlwide site unversity union, global government project, change the world organitation, Giving pledge group, gatesfoundatio, general manager of Proyects in Spain
Contact: Phone number, 618032653.982218178, mail: fernanreal @ hotmail . com Bases-Include
ways of relating, economy, sustainability, emotions, feelings, health, research.
In the above mentioned blog you have an example, remember that you are heading, to any social class, age, sex, etc, thanks.
To be specific, and after exposure the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 March 2011, at least 1500 people capacity. Send
Project between 20 and 25 February 2011, mail or postal address: Plaza de Alicante 6.2 d, cp-27004, Lugo, Spain
Sincerely, real Fernando, Unesco Projects, general manager

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Bestfriend Had A Baby Card

now is the time

the most important relationship we have is with ourselves, it is all the time and forever, take care, fall in love, amate, know in continuous evolution, and that will make you connect to it and each other, and your relationships more intense, that energy will give aesthetic presence to your essence-emocional.CAMBIAR THE WORLD IS POSSIBLE "Let's change the world because you can, because the world is us and we can change, just changing the acctitud to life with conviction about, ilusion.Alguien own knowledge and love of life: no distrust, no intrigue, no faces, no manipulation, no cheating, no one kills ..... lives discovering their feelings and emotions, ilusion.HAMBRE-SED-WAR-RAPE-CHILD ABUSE-Cynicism-INJUSTICE-KILLS-HANDLING-DESPAIR-TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN-PERVERSION-TORTURE-INDIFFERENCE-IMMORALITY-stationary-HUMILIATION-SUCIDIO-SOLEDAD- ABUSE-Climate Change-DESTRUCTION OF NATURE-TRAFFIC HUMAN GUINEA PIGS ORGAN-depletion-NATURAL RESOURCES-WATER POLLUTION AND AIR-and especially the ESSENCE HUMANA.Por this, the human project, so this government in the world, so I do, so we will and that can, and must, for us and for those to come, for a new future of emotions and remember it ilusion.UN DAY YOU WERE BRAVE, we! WE ARE THE WORLD, so you can cambiar.A THE PRESS (agencies, reporters, tv, radio ... etc) you want to be alone, reporting, accountants or actor; TO SCIENCE: not only is the joy of discovery , is also intended for use and handling (that's intelligence). The scientists, thinkers, writers, creators, Philosophers, Humanists: You have a gift, you can not attend impassive, this human degradation, let alone to theorize in a bubble of apparent implication pleasure, world leaders are us and our employees, is the era of the brave, the timing of the action, stop seen from the hill in a watchtower, as effigies undaunted, only descriptive of human collapse, the apocalypse will be indifference, must be in the trenches, first linea.Con your wisdom and effective presence, arrastrareis the world that you are waiting with impaciencia.No cosmic light will come to inspire, indolence and ignorance, debased, galloping out of control and I also dragged in the ethical-aesthetic retreat emocional.A all professions, your occupation, is what you do not what eres.La respectability and recognition comes from your humanity, no awards or achievements, or status, but your ilusion.Es the road itself, not the goal, the secret of human ILUSION.Sois vida.TU not expectant of complacency mushrooms, Reaction, one day you were brave, but not betray you, your essence that was where are you?. YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT REAL WORLD, so conduct yourselves as such and start, no more excuses, " not see that the emperor is naked? and your fear will not let you see that is also decrepit, and it is just that: your fear that it sostiene.HACEDLO YA, you have the knowledge and resources, not a revolution, is an evolution all associations, foundations, corporations and individuals on this list part of world government, global humanity, international NGOs zero point, to change the world, but those who want to be part of a new future of equal Newsteller about Argentine and resources, without distinction of any clase.A YOUTH, movilizaos: all lie, the world can change, do not resigneis to life with a predetermined future, invent and invent a future of illusion and conocimiento.A MINORS you are the world to participate, because you will change the world for you, your children and your children's children, this is not the generation of laziness, or complacency, this is THE GENERATION OF VALIENTES.A Those who suffer physically, psychologically and in any other way, we are ready . HAS ARRIVED THE TIME OF THE BRAVE, joining us? and the brave: they carry no weapons, no dogma, just enthusiasm and humility you help me?. Pd-There is a third part of this human project, world government, international NGOs zero point, because the four, ARE YOU, ARE YOU, all coordinated at the same time, throughout the world, that there are no distortions or manipulations, political, ideological or otherwise. You are not alone!. For the world as we knew there was Termimar, and begins a new way of living and relating among ourselves and around us, understanding and evolution of our emotions lead us to entendomiento. Sure you can!. List of world government:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Self Butt Waxing Tips

Economy, mind, education human rescue, Philantrophys

change the world worlwide
GOVERNMENT Government Project organitation
global global Humam, international NGOs zero point
Economy, mind, education
Fernando rescue real human, president,,, facebook, twitter Druckennmiller
foundation, Stanley and Fiona
The templeton family, Bill and Melinda foundation
gates, foundation
Michael Bloomberg, bloomberg
group Procter and Gamble, Pharmacy, Louise Nippert Diterle
George Soros,
The Broad Family Philanthropy, Eli and Edythe
Terwillegar family, Ronald and Frances
William clements, petrol
family Omidyar, eBay company, Pierre and Pam
Bank of America foundation, Claire Costello
Tiger 21, Cris
group hughes, facebook, Jumo
Mark Zuckerberg, facebook
Steve Jobs, Apple
Jim Walesa, wikipedia
Ted Turner, CNN, Giving Pledge Project
Pfizer foundation, Giving
Pharmacy USA
Rupert Murdoch, Richard Branson
comunication, virgin
Carlos Slim, The Tata family comunication

Bank Goldam sachs
Thanks to all for your generosity, your empathy and solidarity with the human problems gaves, your contribution after a life, which is an example and an inspiration to every human being, this is your legacy for this generation and future generations who will endure in the memories of all as the greatest contribution to the evolution of human beings, as is the principle of intergenerational solidarity, to struggle together, without distinction of races, nations, ideologies, sex and edad.La organization of the economy, the emotional educacio, climate change Our relationship with the environment and social injustice and humanas.Esta is an organization open to any idea, illusion culaquiera have a life of emotions, the initial members of this project, will be published in a short time course that can change the world because the world is us and only needs illusion.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Many Calories Dies Vegetable Stir Fry Have

Default Pictures The Geek Facebook

If you feel that your profile picture does not show who you really are, if you're sick of your photo that you took in your bathroom mirror or think facebook no personality ... Here's the solution! Use one of the Facebook Default Pictures more geek time.

The following link can find more images to decorate your facebook.
Seen: This Blog

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sample Welcome To A Program

"Green Lantern" and "COWBOYS & ALIENS" TRAILER PREMIERE Sucker Punch

Two of the most anticipated movies for next year are: Green Lantern and Cowboys & Aliens . . . and just released their first trailers, in particular excited me more than that of C & A that the Green Lantern, in the latter than I think we told half of the movie are very bad effects and I think Warner bet for trying to copy the success of Marvel, with its own version of "Iron Green." Trailers
check it here:

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Przebudowane Motocykle




In summary, all anonymous contributors, no public relevance in addition to those that relevance and possibilities of their position and activities, plus all the volunteers who believe the change we join in the search form to carry it out. The only objective is to end the inequality, hunger, suffering, climate change and injustice.

To have all access to natural resources, the most advanced medicine, food and education. Only the joint management of these natural resources, and research in all carriers that make up our existence, we can do with a global world government, because what happens or is decided in one place affects everything and everyone else, so you can rise in a vibration of existence, understanding, and understanding individual behavior and collective actions, thoughts and feelings stimulants, without getting worried spasmodic and irrational, that put us and put the world at risk, and we waste away the senses, emotions, feelings and dreams, not allowing them to flow freely, to feel fascinating discovery of our own and other sensory and physical universe, and the timelessness of the pursuit of joy to feel and live without fear, thanks to the constant evolution of our self, which provides vital records infinite, and the best we have, the uncertainty of what will happen at every moment, which is allowing us to enjoy the journey, not the final destination.

Through education, understanding and information of our emotions, desires and dreams, can not manipulate or control our feelings, desires or fears, distance and face us, and so able to understand, know, and deciding with the freedom that comes education, which will be, what we want, who want, to love, as we want and how we love us love us.

Thanks to the inspiration and collaboration Active: Eduardo Punset (science writer), Bibiana Aido (Minister for Equality, Spain), Paul Krugman (economist), Iñaki Gabilondo (communicator); Inigo Rafael Rodríguez Mendieta (biologist), Angela Ambross (psychiatrist), Javier Rodríguez Mendieta ( psychiatrist), Isabel Coixet (director), Jose Luis Blanco (journalist); Angel Gabilondo (Minister of Education, Spain), Ignacio Polanco (president of PRISA), Luis Bassat (publicist), Jeff Jarvis (journalist and blogger), Robert B. Zoellick (World Bank); Angela greed (journalist) Amelie Nothomb (writer), Nieves González, Bebe (vocals), Amy Lee (vocals). Red cross Red Crescent, UNICEF, Amnesty Iinternacional, Human Rights Watch, National Geographic, BBC, Reuters, CNN, TVE, Doctors Without Borders, Reporters without Borders, Greenpeace, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Fundación Vicente Ferrer. UN, FAO, UNESCO, NASA, FDA and universities: Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, Berkeley, Oxford College of London, MIT; Institute of Technology Zurich; Shanghay jiao to ton, King Abdullah Science and Technology ; Complutense de Madrid, Autonoma de Barcelona.

The key is the secret emotions and real Fernando illusion (umbrella of ideas and coordinator empirical and practical chaos), feels, looks and reasons like a child and have all the answers to the meaning of life without social and sensory distortions doubt and uncertainty we grow, the assurances paralyze us and enslave. Changing the world is not only possible but practical and simple, each of us since it has awakened in his attitude, lowering the level of stress and pressure (induced and self-induced), will reduce daily stress (in our affairs and affections), and effortlessly change the perspective, then, the goals, dreams, ambitions, and insecurity complexes disappear to leave your world and expand your mind to feel and create, how ?, Just let the irony, sarcasm and cynicism that is what we established lines in disbelief.

"The best way to predict the future is to invent" We are at the beginning of change, the strengths are many and the few certainties, there will be a revolution but an evolution that leads to the near future that we know to be very different from the past, will be a degree more to the advancement of civilization, with a model based on spreading prosperity and mental, for understanding emotional, sensory and transcendent, not PIB.Se growth is rotating inertia of involutional current thinking on evolutionary thought, to finally make our world a place of understanding society, as an individual, social and implemented both for the real vital consciousness of being alive, has been given a biological and evolutionary leap we have all the pieces of the puzzle just need to replace.

are the key emotions (emotions education, management of emotions) illusions (illusion of knowledge) affects, feelings (perhaps the missing link) etc, and do not let it install the resignation can not do cambiar.Podemos anything theorize and philosophize about what life is, but what is unquestionable is or should be, the most exciting adventure, exciting and stimulating ahead, as the human project, has never tried anything comparable, but with your help and with a huge fifth column that you are waiting for coordinated action, we will make it appear that the emperor is naked.

Why are we in this project? because you must do because they need to do, it is not a utopia, a utopia is to think that hunger, disease, trafficking humanos.el climate, natural resources, food, shelter and so it's best we have the illusion that robs us of this widespread skepticism, cause it can not be achieved, please join this adventure, we can not continue, coordinated we are powerful, and you'll see the power of illusion is the great woman mundial.La key (the machismo of low, medium and high intensity of this comeback without complex) if we get the general Stockholm syndrome in which we live have always been men, fear of not controlling our life will go along with the fear of the unknown, and the future will be a stimulus for evolution and human progress in all its facets.

The goal is to involve and train groups of people, NGOs, associations, companies, etc. so that some others lead us to increasingly visible and important that we be given access to more and more, from local to universal. Mail Mandare that several people from all walks of society, some have already contacted, also all the world NGOs, associations, foundations, media, universities, educational, research departments in general, multinationals from all sectors, international organizations of all types, all world governments irrespective of ideological, religious, cultural or ethnic etc etc.

It is a reality, change is imminent, I need help, I need you, your hope, your social position (which is) to take us further, I want no money, no grants, no job, no notoriety only a full life, and it is impossible to shame, in which we made our species, and the absurdity of destroying the planet (our home) where we live and can not be a dunghill, because there is the basis of everything and answers to everything (food, biology, medicine ...) clean and aireemos our house (and have a more breathable environment, literally!), and the way we clean up and airearemos us, from the perspective of a clean look, overall confidence back, living without distrust of self and others (the Changing this perspective to live, would be an emotional tsunami, which would fill all).

I know I sound like a visionary, a lunatic, a dreamer, a dreamer, but I have only dreams, I have the keys to how to do the preparation and the way your child retrotayendote'll see exactly how naïve yo.La of life is the key of wisdom that makes us grow and never ends, the vital stimulus (remember your childhood and you have the answers), is to begin the greatest adventure you have dreamed.

Fernando Real, emotional anthropologist, philosopher, especially a man with enthusiasm, who lives with shock and anger at what we lose. I need the illusion of each one of you as individuals of any area of \u200b\u200blife, professional, labor, sex, age, creed ...., from word of mouth to your emails and all kinds of contacts to forward around the globe this project forward, we will be the network of volunteers largest ever.

also need to all NGOs, associations, foundations, media, corporations, governments, philanthropists, all of which are in the Forbes list, the UN, economic, scientific .... etc, forward to infinity. Finally, most ideas and solutions for the reorganization of our lives and those who come on this planet, remember: climate, food, water, natural resources, education (emotions, affections, hopes, ambitions, frustrations, passions, miedovital) For everything there is a response also to the transcendent, evanescent. Each of us believes in the same and the same fears, understanding and empathy take us to this knowledge and not to distrust and fear us not between us and the unknown, most curious illusion as to intelligence and happiness.

We have the answers to everything, all facets of life, spiritual, emotional, mental space and above all and are eager to communicate to all human beings.

CHANGE THE WORLD IS POSSIBLE, passwords are emotion, enthusiasm, curiosity, imagination and education (teaching thinking), the goal is to stop killing, manage natural resources, environment, climate, understand our emotions and relationships for Understanding Regarding the global context, to grow and expand.

stereotypes, prejudices, cliches and involutive primitive traditions are not a security zone, but slows our evolution towards the fullness of life.

Happiness is a pipe dream and could not be a goal, it is a vague goal, your search absurd and unattainable dream, as once supposed to have reached the moment to lose the fear to lose what we have, and the initial security would provide would cause more insecurity, if anything would be an illusion attitude, curiosity and understanding of every experience, every moment that gives us a state of physical, mental, spiritual, merged with the environment, but above all enthusiasm and endless curiosity by everyone and everything itself (everything is related, physical, psychic, the transcendent and evanescent) and inherent in every human being.

cynicism, irony, sarcasm, skepticism and indifference totalitarianism are the enemy, our greatest illusion aliado.No no races, no beliefs, no country, no ideology or gender differences, there are only human beings a place to share, understand and enjoy, so change the world and because we are more and more enthusiasm and conviction, some say you can not, but if you can, of course you can and above all must, and we will, because it is not just for what we do wrong, is why we lose while.

EDUCATION; only from the thought came understanding and understanding, let space for thought, learning to think and how to think, doubt leads critical reasoning, questioning the conviction informed it is essential for a pause in the stimuli and activities that fill the growing space, with a pressure level that cancels own and other's knowledge of self, causing stress that impairs the senses and feelings of emotional and sensory perception of complex and slow assimilation, promoting stimuli and immediate reactions and irrational that they enslaved and thwarted in an unsatisfactory long life of more and more frenzied search of a higher dose of stimuli empty, relativizing the sense perception, emotional wealth and personal fulfillment, meeting with adrenaline and determinism set their poverty and related emotional emptiness. INTELLIGENCE

is openly acknowledging that it is doubtful or unknown, not to get bogged down in ignorance of absolute certainties, there is no single gene for intelligence, curiosity, imagination, enthusiasm and access to necessary information, as well as sex, is not no secret, most of the time it is trial and error to find the key, which is what is research in general. Children are born without vital stereotypes, we must focus on education informed, emotional understanding, sensory, nutritional, physical, psychological, medical, climatic, KNOWLEDGE own emotional perspectives are vital. Teach and reenseñemonos to think, leaving space for it and we will not act on imitation, tradition, reaction, that makes us live in constant
contradiction and no understanding himself, betraying and denying our own personality, which leads to dissatisfaction, hence the egocentricity, selfishness, and then eventually to blindness of evil, which flows into the individual and collective cruelty authentic emotional existential panic of ignorance, taught to think.

Rethinking the way we live, feel, the mix of tangible to intangible, our fears enslave us the illusion we gives real freedom to grow in emotions, feelings and intelligence, not defend us invulnerable, once we stop subjecting women to one way or another, to indoctrinate and inoculate our children our insecurities, to take advantage of the most vulnerable the situation of chance or causality vital, then we will feel the vastness of the existencia.BIEN;

MIL million hungry people, hardships and injustices in the world, nor is it known those who die for it and its derivatives, 30 million suicides year, countless are harassed and humiliated, most of the world's inhabitants live in constant despair and resignation, is indecent and unacceptable, we have the resources, technology and intelligence needed to solve it immediately, starting now, no excuses, complaints and faults, you just need to change perspective and emotional life from the thought empathic priority, our hopes, desires, ambitions, aspirations and so achieve real sensation human dimension, the essence of the consciousness of being alive and aware of our reality together. Thanks to this economic crisis, which actually is a model of life crises and relationship with us, others and the environment in all areas of life context, from the practical (basic survival) to the affective ( in all its forms), and existential anguish and stupor, but the interrelationship between them and their interaction in the practical context, transcendent, evanescent.

This crisis gives us the opportunity to change the drift of people and their implication, climatic, environmental and biological, which goes to extinction by simple stupidity, or even out of spite or selfishness, make haste, not much time left if we continue with this self-centeredness are all essential culpable.Para this, women are not props of the earth (are the main protagonists and irreplaceable), are pets or children (in which reverse our frustrations), or the old impediments (inert but with wider perspective and distance) or a subspecies of men standing in the evolution (when we release the pedestal set, and created social distortion).

Lowering the stress level in which we live (not known to target), and the rush (to get to not know where) and have (to not know that), and to survive or maintain meaningless absurdities, hindering the evolution only by fear of change, preferring the devil they know, by the encouragement of what is to be discovered, which is the essence of existence).

decreasing the latent aggression of our relationships (any kind), which desensitizes us, brutish and indifference leads us, the unknown will be a stimulus for growth and expansion, stereotypes, prejudices, clichés are not safe areas, but what slows our progress towards the fullness of life, how?, secrecy vision is curious, naive and spontaneous that we all have an innate from birth, the vision of life, the important thing is to think and this requires reflection, introspection, some pause, stillness and slowness of life, which gives us good prospects for solving our ignorance emotional, sensory and understanding of the understanding of ourselves, without perspective and have sense of irrelevance of our individual and social life, to finally feel clearly the intimate relationship feel alive, safe in existential, not aggressive reaction to external stimuli and internal, so we can educate ourselves and future generations hope for knowledge: emotional, sensory, climate, medical, nutritional, art, imbued with creativity, but the interaction with other people, living beings and the environment, we fell in love with life itself, learn to love and want us to fall in love and fall in love of us, with the freedom that gives knowledge of self, and stop acting like emotional zombies, so you can feel the real vital consciousness and critical awareness necessary to grow and evolve into the new global humanity, where did we come ?, where are we going?, about us, its discovery will be an encouragement, not anxiety. The simple reaction

primary objective of immediate danger, it only serves to survival basic. To grow, enjoy and feel, let it trigger all the feelings and reactions that give pause, it is imperative to assimilate, with the ingenuity that gives the doubt and humility, the art of living life in love, every sensation since despiertas.La sadness, frustrations, disappointments, complexes and fears, these supposed weaknesses, make it an opportunity to question you to improve and learn, give us a broader perspective of self and the environment from different angles , to make all our records flowing emotional and sensory, fusing with transcendence, the evanescence and ordinary reality, not try to fight it, let infuse for them to grow, understand you, love you with love and conscious awareness, are not really weaknesses are opportunities to turn away from the irrelevance of the emotional and sensory trivia, and fix your priorities with more arguments to find out how accurate you are, and decide to be like you want to be, always evolving to broaden the vision of yourself and your world.

SENSITIVITY is the best imaginable quality of human beings, do not hesitate to let it show, is a form of expression, not a defect, or limitation, is what humanizes you and makes you empathize with you and others , and a half ambiente.Reir living, enjoying, mourn, suffer is self-confidence is, and not acquired already have it, not hide it, the perspective is reversed, that to be strong, the weakness is not shown for shame or fear, dare to be you.

Breaks emotional (romantic, friendship, family) cause an earthquake in our lives and emotions, though extremely painful, it is very understandable to see why we go or run these special feelings with logical reasoning (as is the world of intangibles), so when we change upset (being the one who causes or vice versa), "there's always light at the end of the tunnel", it's out, it is important to emerge stronger, not bitterness, cynicism or resignation, because I suffer not saved.

really is a rebirth that must seize all your records and rediscover sensory emocinal that give us another perspective of their own and others, and you'll be amazed this new creative and empathic sensitivities that occurs in you and everything else, to really feel the fusion that occurs between you, others and the environment (against all odds senses, feelings are multiplied), then feeling that everything is connected and forms part of everything and your emotional life afecctiva just depends on your acctitud (an open grave and complex without shields, is the only way to really enjoy), you can only control thing, not chain your pleasurable sensations to something or someone, everything is you (is not dependent share), relying only enjoy, if you cheat, you will suffer but do not look the way you are or feel, enjoy your new evolution leaving unfairness suffered back, because only the sincere apology would heal you (and not depends on you), to love and love is to feel no insecurities or complex emotional and social, that gives a false sense of security, and will never be the same person, but improved, open and honest, you will be your complete, that is the poetry of the new sensibility life.This discover a new overview with a more composed, for dwelling on the details of each action, sensation, vision, emotion you have and see that the intensity produced is infinitely precious and painful in their sorrows and joys, frustrations to move forward without stop, and success to humility without conceit, showing the true scale and impressive in records and appreciate your sense of touch, taste, odor, air, rain, snow, sun, cold, heat, food, longings, desires, ambitions, love and sexuality course that you can only describe with a faint smile, a faint flush of your skin, a smell that permeates the environment, this will transfer your sensuality to your outlook on life, relationships, learning, discovering each action, thought, feeling, interaction with nature and content, ultimately your being.

is not to be selfish, seeking solitude will not be alone, you will watch out to see what is egocentric to feel around, reduces your life for a larger, minimizes your mind to expand, feel, live, love as a child and see your maturity, doubt and uncertainty always cease not defend yourself and be invincible. BEAUTY

own and others lies in the asymmetry, which give the expressions, actions and ways of being original and unique, your physical, your way of being, living, feeling, expressing only to see beyond the symmetries, which are lines without movement and life, make them come alive and see the beauty and your belleza.Esto is the best you can offer someone in your emotional relationships of any kind, now if the same, from understanding and empathy the joys and sorrows of their lives and your somatization of them sensitive and positive.

People are bored and frustrated because they do not look at the details, so look for strong primary stimuli, artificial and others that make them intolerant, primitive and dogmatic, out of pure fear, which leads to ignorance sense, there a gene of evil, teach them not to take that fear to change, because the real encouragement and really powerful, they are right behind these irrational reactions. Search

pause to recognize opportunities, slow to decide quickly and correctly, the stillness of mind to absorb the emotions and speed criteria, LIVE, LIVE, LIVE, (time does not pass, you live) this is what rob us when we face, we control or kill us, the great secret of life: to feel being yourself how?, retrieves the ingenuity, enthusiasm and curiosity of your children, look at a baby and you'll see a spontaneous kiss and you've got a smile and is there, and are you mismo.Recuerda, the inspiration of life, is not a point, not a moment is constant, omnipresent and no end, no banal moment, only to fill the time waiting for something else, life is now.

ECONOMY, one of the shameful secrets of the economy is that there is no "economic theory." There is simply a set of fundamental principles on which to base calculations illuminate the world economic performance real.

should keep in mind the limitation of economic knowledge when you are pushing up fiscal austerity worldwide.

Unlike economists, biologists know for example that all cells operate in accordance with instructions for the synthesis of proteins encoded in their DNA.

chemists start with the Heisenberg and Pauli principles, but the three dimensions of space and tell us the configuration of electrons.

physicists begin with the four forces of nature.The economists have nothing parecido.Los economic principles are based on who has the bomb, domination and algorithms deciduous mathematical manipulation.

The area of \u200b\u200bresearch, end up with unemployment, unemployment and your job dissatisfaction, it is an area so dense, challenging and endless and you just need an education informed (reread education), so we need to implement management of resources and redirect our energy on research humano.La progress in all areas we also provide answers to questions we all ask of transcendence, it will be a compendium of the interaction of all and everything, while investigate and theorize as we explore live without fear, because we're here (without know what, for what, and that means?), let us, and we enjoy temamonos, or have fear of what will then, if anything or if everything in the universe is all connected in some way in this area not yet understand, as researchers and philosophers, not kill for it.

emotional management of the great misfortunes of the collective and personal, we are unbearable, so incomprehensible and emptiness that we produce, but the unspeakable grief and sadness, are partly to do with transcendence, we need to bear , seek and offer empathy and comfort without stirring, which we avoid due to the management of human progress (which are a big part), let's do it, what derives from the inevitable disasters so far, attempted to alleviate investigacon and solidarity with material and emotional, and due to the inevitability of chance or causality (the most painful and difficult to manage emotionally) to discover the meaning of the trscendencia, we can only (in pain) let us comfort, and console (from empathy, no solutions and empty statements or dogmas) to make it more bearable, with a tribute in the form of continuing our life with illusion in the memory, it is what all wish all our loved ones if you let them, to continue their lives without despair, and hope to use.

Nuesto COMMON FUTURE. We need to promote a change of urgent patterns of production and consumption growth can meet the needs of present generations without compromising future generations to meet theirs could, which would form one of the most interesting and transformative ideas in contemporary thought, intergenerational solidarity as a development, which will serve as a catalyst to enable prosperity by supporting access to human rights and the preservation of farm planeta.La that life is worth so little and the material and ethical corruption is widespread in our species, but it stopped will soon be our end, each and every one of us in our daily life attitude, we have a way to stop it, let to think it's really important, everyone has a personal responsibility, and those who have a reputation, social relevance, economic or political power is time to bring that vital chance to society, its responsibility is multiplied, inaction is your guilt and I harshly judge the current generation and the future for it. Unite

world government, not hide behind flags, patriotic, beliefs, ideologies, assumptions, principles of altruism and lofty ethereal reasons that gives you the excuse to continue with this way of life failed, perverse, distorted, unbalanced, dysfunctional that only benefits your own spiral schizophrenic, portraying your failure and stagnation in human evolution, and that makes you blind paranoia purge the accident on the transition from quadruped to biped, or separate.

Those who suffer do not you forget and you are not alone, get the courage to stand up and shout enough is enough, from all over the world, not recoil before the passivity and indifference of the cretins who we impose a way of being, living, feeling and thinking absurd, irrational, criminal and suicidal.

inspiration and focus our research efforts to solve, our contradictions, inequalities, natural disasters, diseases, our limitations and contradictions in research that is where the real future an IDI (more development research more innovation), human desrrollo.

Let's make this project a reality, thanks to all, please contact: GLOBAL GOVERNANCE PROJECT


real Fernando, author, creator and project director of global government, global humanity, international NGOs zero point is an anthropologist emotional thinker chaos theory (with applications, mathematics, theory of behavior, biology, physics, psychiatry, psychology, sociology, theory of mind, sensory, transcendence, and consciousness evanescence of life), management of resources and natural disasters, climate management, management and understanding of emotions as unique and individual social interaction both with implementation in life context.

I have mentioned as collaborators by your cone Cimentos and humanity that I have just an outline of each area, but my specialty is the overall vision and energy vital to coordinate your skills, make a bing-bang expansive emotional management is the evolutionary leap or missing link. We unite scattered and will be real, I have the energy and knowledge to answer any questions on how to do it, I hope contactéis soon, life is not inevitable is the most beautiful adventure imaginable, let the blame game, look for causes and resolvamoslas, no excuse for hunger, thirst, perversions and persecution, fear and ignorance is just sensory and emotional.

The list of contributors is open to anyone who wants to participate in any way, any age, occupation.

Specifically we would need, or computer hackers for a more rapid dissemination of this idea, and create a start-up of ideas. It will be the silicon valley of thought, creativity for the definitive eradication of injusticia.IMAGINACIÓN-imagination is infinite and everything you can imagine is because it can be, just have to find manera.Ahora can only imagine, then it is possible .... shssss "and you feel it?. START-dawns on earth, nothing will ever be the same ..... do possible, kisses.


in,, Facebook. TARGET: field of education, research, economic and corporate social management, teórica, filosófica, drugs, Fundación Filantropica, foros internacionales, etc..

Monday, November 15, 2010

House Court In Queens


New Video.
only comment that the error in the names is something temporary and that the errata
1:46 and is corrected.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sitting Stomach Feet Face

the new Zack Snyder is Mexican Batwoman

Zack Snyder the director responsible for " The Watchmen " and" 300 " back with a proposal that it described as
" An Alice in Wonderland with machine guns ... . "

Starring Emily
Browning, Vanessa Hudgens, Abbie Cornish, Jamie Chung, Jena Malone and Carla Gugino. We leave the trailer.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Bluntville Blunt Wraps

We leave these illustrations of Wardell "War" Brown an illustrator well known for its retro style in their works , this time using the characters of Batman to show us his idea of \u200b\u200ban interracial Hero. I personally liked the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Penguin, Two-Face, the Riddler, Bane and Gordon.
can visit their site and Devian Art view images with higher resolution.

What other characters would like the style of this artist?

Chyna Bra And Panty Match


Greetings to all fans of Mother.

publish this post to discuss in detail the current status of the project, so do not think it stands or anything like that.:

Today I tested (re-re-re-revised would be the correct term) around 60-65% of the final English script Mother 3, while my colleagues are dedicated to edit sprites, help me decide on conflicting translations or on that we agree. I wish I could say that by the end of the year this will be done, but I am realistic and I see it more viable for this upcoming early 2011. We plan

promised upload videos (I'm the first to be ashamed of the delay, and I apologize for that) as we can, and we currently have some sort of bug that the new translated text is not reflected in the game and as we progress in our work Starmen people (really friendly and always willing to help) reviews the script in search of that error. There seems to be nothing serious, but until it is resolved I can not offer new videos that show how the text is in the game.

The workflow is still the same as in recent months, I advance a little every day (some more than others, depending on the work that has mainly) and at the end of each week I review the blocks and translated into see if there is a fault that I was able to escape. I am telling you this to reassure and not worry about the project, go ahead and without pause.

I also want to make clear that this project already hard enough for me End time is immaterial, since the priority is to finish this work and (mostly) do well. Again, this does not mean that we disregard to the people waiting for this ROM or anything, we do our work the best and quickly as possible to not disappointed, and now comes to my mind a great quote from Shigeru Miyamoto :

" A delayed game will be until its release, a bad game is bad forever "

I guess you already know what I mean by this. The translated ROM will, that you not doubt about it. We make every effort to ensure that waiting is the small as possible, but we put quality above all, that must always be present, as well as the fact that we do this because Mother 3 is for us more than just a game, and so we dedicate part of our precious (and limited) time free to make your magic reach many people as possible.

Thank you for your attention and your patience. Greetings to everyone.

Jimmytrius, spokesman for the translation team.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Obesity In The Uk Graphs

Governance Project Global

My idea is
In summary, all anonymous contributors, no public interest in addition to the relevance and the possibilities of their position and activities, and all volunteers who believe in change, we enter in the search for how to achieve it. The only goal is to end inequality, hunger, suffering, climate change and injustice.
For full access to natural resources, advanced medicine, food and education. Only the joint management of natural resources, and research in all areas that make up our existence, we can do with a global world government, because what happens or is decided in one place affects everything and everyone, so you can place in a vibration of existence, understanding and understanding of individual and collective behavior, actions, thoughts and feelings stimulants, unmolested spasmodic and irrational, and put us to the world at risk, and we feel stunted emotions, feelings and dreams, not allowing them to move freely, to feel the exciting discovery of our sensory and physical universe and others, and the timelessness of the pursuit of joy to feel and live without fear, thanks to constant evolution of our ego, which gives us vital records infinity, and the best we have, the uncertainty of what will happen at any moment, allowing us to enjoy the journey, not the final destination.
Through education, understanding and information from our emotions, desires and dreams, can not manipulate or control our feelings, desires or fears, distance and we face and reach understanding, knowledge, and decide the freedom that comes with education This is what we want, want, love, that we want we want and how we love.
Thanks to the inspiration and the active collaboration of Eduardo Punset (science writer), Bibiana Aido (Minister for Equality, Spain), Paul Krugman (economist), Iñaki Gabilondo (communicator); Inigo Rafael Rodríguez Mendieta (Biologist ), Angela Ambross (psychiatrist), Javier Rodríguez Mendieta (psychiatrist), Isabel Coixet (Director) Jose Luis Blanco (journalist); Angel Gabilondo (Minister of Education, Spain), Ignacio Polanco (Chairman of Prisa), Luis Bassat (publicist) Jeff Jarvis (journalist and blogger), Robert B. Zoellick (World Bank), greed Angela (journalist) Amelie Nothomb (writer), Nieves González, Bebe (vocals), Amy Lee (vocals). Red Cross, Red Crescent, UNICEF, Amnesty Iinternacional, Human Rights Watch, National Geographic, BBC, Reuters, CNN, TVE, Doctors Without Borders, Reporters Without Borders, Greenpeace, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Nelson Mandela , Vicente Ferrer Foundation. United Nations, FAO, UNESCO, NASA, FDA and universities: Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, Berkeley, Oxford College of London, MIT, the Institute of Technology Zurich; Shanghay jiao per ton, the King Abdullah Science and Technology; Complutense de Madrid, Autonoma de Barcelona.

The key is the secret emotions and real illusion Fernando (coordinator unifying ideas and chaos empirical and practical), feels, looks and thinks like a child and have all the answers to the meaning of life without the social distortion and sensory doubt and uncertainty as we grow, insurance cripple and enslave us. Changing the world is not only possible but easy and convenient, each of us because he woke up in his attitude, lowering the level of stress and pressure (induced and self-induced), will reduce the stress of daily life (in our affairs and affections), and no effort to change the perspective, then, objectives, dreams, ambitions, and insecurity complex disappear to leave your world and expand your mind to feel and create, how, let irony, sarcasm and cynicism that's what we have established lines in the disbelief.
"The best way to predict the future is to invent" We are beginning to change, the forces are numerous and certainties, there will be a revolution but an evolution leading to the near future we know is very different in the past will be a degree more to the advancement of civilization, with a model based on spreading prosperity and mental, to understand the emotional, sensory and transcendent, not Growth PIB.Se inertia turns current thinking involutive, evolutionary thinking, and finally make our world a place of understanding society in a personal, social and implemented for both real consciousness to be vital alive, was given a biological and evolutionary leap we all just puzzle pieces to replace.
The key is the emotions (the education of emotions, managing emotions) illusions (illusion of knowledge) affects, feelings etc. (perhaps the missing link), and do not let install the resignation can not do anything cambiar.Podemos theorize and philosophize about what life is, but what is indisputable is or should be, the most exciting adventure, exciting and challenging future, the draft rights, has never tried something comparable, but your help and with a huge fifth column that you are waiting for a coordinated action, we believe that the emperor is naked.
Why are we in this project? the better, because you have to do because they need to do, this is not a utopia, a utopia is to think that hunger, disease, climate humanos.el traffic resources Natural, food, housing and so it is we have the illusion that deprives us of this widespread skepticism, the cause can not be reached, please join this adventure, we can not continue, we coordinated are powerful, and you'll see the power of illusion is the key mundial.La tall woman (the machismo of mild, moderate and high return without the complex) we obtain the general Stockholm syndrome in which we live have always been men, fear of not controlling our life go hand in hand with fear unknown, and the future will be a stimulus for evolution and human progress in all its facets.
The objective is to involve and train groups of people, NGOs, associations, companies etc so that others will lead to increasingly visible and important that we be given access to more and more from local to universal. Mail mandare that many people from all walks of society, some have already contacted, so all the NGOs of the world, associations, foundations, media, universities, schools, research services in general, all multinational sectors, international organizations of all types, all governments around the world irrespective of ideological, religious, cultural or ethnic, etc. etc.
It is a reality, change is imminent, I need help, j I need you, your hope, your social position (which is) to take us further, I want no money, no grants, no job, no awareness of one full life, and it is not shame, in which we made our species, and the absurdity of destroying the planet (our home) where we live and can not be a pile of manure, because it is the basis of any and the answer to everything (food, biology, medicine ...) and aireemos clean our house (and have a more breathable, literally!), and how we clean and we airearemos, the prospect of clean air , overall confidence will return to live without distrust of self and others (the change of approach to life, would be an emotional tsunami, which hit all).
I know I speak as a visionary, a fool, a dreamer, a dreamer, but I only have dreams, I have the keys to how to prepare and how your child see retrotayendote'll exactly how naive yo.La life is the key of wisdom that makes us grow and never completes the essential stimulus (remember your childhood and you have the answers) will begin the greatest adventure you've dreamed of.
Fernando Real, emotional anthropologist, philosopher, especially a man with great enthusiasm, who lives in a state of shock and anger at what we lose. I need the illusion that each of you that people from one area of \u200b\u200blife, work, work, sex, age, creed ...., word of mouth to your e-mails and all kinds of contacts to convey worldwide advance this project, we will be the largest network of volunteers ever. We
also need to all NGOs, associations, foundations, media, corporations, governments, philanthropists, who are all on the Forbes list, the UN, economic, scientific .... etc., prior to infinity. Finally, most ideas and solutions for the reorganization of our lives and those who come on this planet, remember: the climate, food, water, natural resources, education (emotions, affections, hopes, ambitions , frustrations, passions, miedovital) For everything there is also a response to the transcendent, evanescent. Each of us believes the same thing and the same fears, understanding and empathy brings us to this knowledge and not to mistrust and fear we not between us and the unknown, most curious illusions about the intelligence and happiness.
We have the answers to everything, all the essential aspects, spiritual, emotional, mental and space before and are eager to communicate to all human beings.
CHANGE THE WORLD IS POSSIBLE, passwords are emotion, illusion, curiosity, imagination and education (of thought), the objective is to stop killing, manage Natural resources, environment, climate, understand our emotions and relationships of Understanding the global context, grow and develop.

Stereotyping, prejudice, stereotypes and traditions are primitive involution a security zone, but it slows our progress towards the fullness of life.
Happiness is a dream and could not be a goal is an elusive goal, your dream of looking absurd and impractical, as once supposed to have reached the moment of losing the fear of losing what we have, and ensure the security underlying cause insecurity in any case, would be an illusion attitude, curiosity and understanding of each experiment, each moment gives us a state of physical, mental, spiritual, merged with the environment, but especially the enthusiasm and endless curiosity for all and around it (everything is related, physical, mental, transcendent and evanescent) and inherent in every human being.
cynicism, irony, sarcasm, skepticism and indifference are the enemy of totalitarianism, our greatest illusion aliado.No no races, no creed, no country, no differences in ideology or gender There are only humans and a place to share, understand and appreciate, so changing the world and because we are becoming more enthusiastic and belief, some say you can not, but if you can, of course, you can and above all should, and we, because not only for what we are doing wrong, so we lose everything.
EDUCATION; only thought is to understand and comprehend, leave the space for thought, learning to think and reflect, doubt leads to critical thinking, questioning the conviction of enlightened, it is essential for a break in stimuli and activities that fill the space more and more, with a pressure level that cancels the other and self-knowledge, a source of stress that affects the senses and the feelings of perception emotional and sensory assimilation slow and complex, promoting stimuli and immediate reactions and irrational were enslaved and thwarted in an unsatisfactory life-long research increasingly frantic to a higher dose of stimuli empty relativizing sense perception, emotional richness and personal growth, meeting with adrenaline and determinism all their poverty and emotional emptiness.
INTELLIGENCE is to openly acknowledge what is doubtful or unknown, not to get bogged down in ignorance of absolute certainties, there is no single gene for intelligence, curiosity, imagination, enthusiasm and access to necessary information, as well as sex, no secrets, most of the time it is trial and error to find the key, which is what research in general . Children are born without vital stereotypes, we must focus on education has informed the understanding of emotions, sensory, nutritional, physical, psychological, medical, climatic, emotional perspectives own knowledge are essential. Reenseñemonos teaching and thinking, leaving a space for it and we can not act on imitation, tradition, the reaction, which makes us live in
constant contradiction and does not understand himself, betraying and denying our own personality, leading to dissatisfaction, where self-centeredness, selfishness, and then eventually to blindness of evil, which flows into cruelty individual and collective existential panic authentic emotional ignorance, to teach thinking.

Rethinking the way we live, feel, the mix of tangible to intangible assets, our fears enslave us, the illusion gives us real freedom to develop in the emotions, feelings and intelligence, not defend ourselves invulnerable, once we stop subjecting women in one way or another, to indoctrinate and inoculate our children our insecurities, to benefit the most vulnerable due to chance or causal vital then we will feel the vastness of the existencia.BIEN;
A billion people suffer from hunger, deprivation and injustice in the world, no one knows who die for it and its derivatives, 30 million suicides per year , countless are harassed and humiliated, most of the world population living in despair and resignation in progress, is indecent and unacceptable, we have the resources, technology and intelligence needed to resolve this problem immediately, from now on, no excuses, complaints and defaults, you just change the perspective and the emotional life of the priority empathetic thoughts, hopes, desires , ambitions, hopes and achieve a true sense of the human dimension, the essence of the consciousness of being alive and aware of our reality together. Thank you for this economic crisis, which is actually a model of life crises and relationship with us, others and the environment in all areas of life, practice (survival) to emotional ( in all forms), and the angst and bewilderment, but the relationship between them and their interaction in the context of practical, important and evanescent.
This crisis gives us the opportunity to change the drift of people and their involvement, climatic, environmental and biological, which goes to extinction by simple stupidity, or even out of spite or selfishness, hurry up, not much time if we continue with this culpable.Para egocentrism are all essential, women do not accessories of the earth (are the main protagonists and irreplaceable), are pets or children (where our frustrations reverse), or neutralization old ones (but broader perspective and distance) or a subspecies of men standing in the evolution (when we contacted all pedestal and created a social distortion).
Lower the stress level in which we live (do not know the target), and Rush '(for not knowing where) and (do not know that), and to survive or maintain that sense of the absurdities of slow evolution than by fear of change, preferring the devil they know, through the encouragement of what is to be discovered, which is the essence of existence).
Decreased latent aggression of our relations (all type), which desensitizes us, and brutal indifference leads us, the unknown will be a stimulus for growth and expansion, stereotypes, prejudice, stereotypes are not safe areas, but which hinders our evolution towards the fullness of life, how?, secrecy is the vision curious, naive and spontaneous that we all have an innate characteristic of the birth, vision of life, the important thing is to think of which requires Reflection, introspection, a little respite, calm and slow pace of life, which gives us the appropriate perspective to address our ignorance emotional, sensory understanding and understanding of ourselves, without perspective and have a sense of worthlessness of our individual and social life, feeling finally clear the intimate relationship feel alive, with the existential calm, not aggressive response to stimuli external and internal, so that we can educate ourselves and for future generations of hope for knowledge: emotional, sensory, climate, health, nutrition, art, imbued with creativity, but the interaction with other people, living beings and the environment, we fell in love with life itself, learning to love and want us to fall in love as we fall in love with freedom gives the knowledge of self, and stop acting like zombies emotional, so you can feel the true vital consciousness and critical awareness necessary to grow and evolve in the new humanity world where we come from, no matter where we go, on us, its discovery will be an encouragement, not anxiety.
The simple reaction of a primary immediate objective is for basic survival. To grow, enjoy and feel, allow trigger all the feelings and reactions that give pause, it is imperative to assimilate with the ingenuity that gives the doubt and humility, the art of living life in love, every sensation since despiertas.La sadness, frustrations, disappointments, complexes and fears, these supposed weaknesses, make it an opportunity to question as you improve and learn, give us a broader perspective of self and the environment from different angles, to make all our documents circulating emotional and sensory fusion with transcendence, and the evanescence of ordinary reality, do not try to fight it, let steep for their growth, you know, you love to love and conscience, are not really weaknesses are opportunities to divert non-relevance of emotional and sensitive information, and set your priorities with more arguments for how specific you are, and decide to be like you want to be constantly evolving to broaden the vision of yourself and your world.
The sensitivity is the highest quality imaginable human beings, why not let it show, is a form of expression, not a defect, or limitation, it humanizes you and makes you sympathize with you and other people, beings ambiente.Reir ½ live, enjoy, cry, suffer, is it self-confidence, and not already acquired, do not hide the perspective is reversed, that is to be strong, the weakness is not out of shame or show fear, dare you.
emotional breakdowns (romantic, friendship, family) cause an earthquake in our lives and emotions, but extremely painful, it is very understandable to see why we run these feelings or individuals, with a logical argument (that the world of intangibles) and upset when we change (the one who causes or vice versa), "there's always light at the end of the tunnel," he came out, it is important to emerge stronger, not bitterness, cynicism or resignation, because I suffer not recorded.
It's actually a revival of foreclosure and rediscover all your files and sensory emocinal gives us a perspective different from theirs and others, and you'll be amazed at this new creative sensibility and empathy that in you and everything else to really feel the merger happens between you, others and the environment (against all odds, senses, feelings are multiplied), and feeling that everything is connected and are part of everything and your emotional life afecctiva just depends on your acctitud (at breakneck speed without shields and complex, is the only way to really appreciate), you can not control what is yours, not the string of your feelings of pleasure to someone or something, all this on you (it does not depend on sharing) based only benefit if you err, to suffer, but not look the way you are or feel, enjoy your new development, leaving behind him the injustice, because sincere apologies heal yourself (and do not depend on you), love and love is feel free insecurities or complex emotional and social, that gives a false sense of security, and will never be the same person, but improved, open and honest, you will be your full poetry is to discover new sensitivity life.This new vision a more general approach is to dwell on the details of each action, sensation, vision, excitement and intensity really happens is painful and infinitely precious in their sorrows and joys, the frustrations of constantly advancing, and success to humility without pretension, showing the true scale and impressive records and appreciate your sense of touch, taste, odor, air, rain, snow, sun, cold, heat, food, desires, wishes, ambitions, love and sexuality course you can describe with a slight smile, a pale skin, a smell that permeates the environment, it will transfer your sensuality your attitude toward life, relationships, namely the discovery of each action, thought, feeling , interaction with nature and content, ultimately of your being.
Is not being selfish, loneliness not to be alone, you can watch to see what's egocentric to feel around, reduce your life to grow, reduce your mind to develop , feels, lives, loves and a child and see your maturity, doubt and uncertainty still not cease to defend yourself and be invincible.
Beauty and other lies in the asymmetry, which give the expressions, actions and ways to be original and unique, your physical, your way of being, living, feeling, expressing only to see beyond symmetries, which are lines without movement and life, make them live and see the beauty and your belleza.Esto is best that you can give someone in your emotional life of every kind, now if the same, understanding and empathy with the joys and sorrows of life and your somatization of them sensitive and positive.
People are bored and frustrated because they do not look at the details, then look for strong stimuli primary artificial and others that make them intolerant, primitive and dogmatic, pure fear, which leads to ignorance, meaning there is a gene of evil, teach them to not to fear change, because the real encouragement and really powerful, they are behind these irrational reactions.
Search to pause to recognize opportunities, slow to decide quickly and correctly, peace of mind to absorb the emotions and the criteria for speed, live, live, LIVE, (time does not pass, you live ) is what we fly when we are facing, control us or we kill, the great secret of life: to feel how to be yourself, retrieves the ingenuity, enthusiasm and curiosity of your children, watch a baby and really, a kiss and did not spontaneously A smile is there, and you mismo.Recuerda, the inspiration of life, is not a point, not a moment is constant, omnipresent and no end, not a trivial point, just to fill time waiting Another thing, life is now.
ECONOMY, one of the dirty secrets of the economy is that there is no "economic theory." It is simply a set of fundamental principles that illuminate the basic calculations economic performance of the real world.
We must keep in mind this limitation of knowledge economy, when you push up the fiscal austerity across the world.
Unlike economists, biologists know for example that all cells operate in accordance with instructions for the synthesis of proteins encoded in their DNA.
Chemicals beginning with Heisenberg and Pauli principles, but the three dimensions of space and tell us the configuration of electrons.
physicists begin with the four forces of economists have nothing nature.The parecido.Los economic principles are based on which the bomb, domination and mathematical algorithms obsolete manipulated.

The research, become unemployed, your unemployment and job dissatisfaction is an area so dense, difficult, endless and you just need an education informed (read education), so we we need to implement management resources and redirect our energies on progress humano.La research in all areas we also provide answers to questions we all ask the transcendent, it will be a compilation of all the interaction and all while we study and live without any theorizing investigate fear, because we're here (not knowing what, what, does this mean?), let us, and we enjoy temamonos, or are afraid of what will be, if anything or if everything in all the universe is somehow related to the art that still do not understand, as scientists and philosophers, not kill her.
Managing emotions of the great misfortunes of the collective and personal, we are unbearable, so incomprehensible and emptiness that we produce, but the unspeakable pain and sadness, are partly to do with transcendence, wehave, for Research and empathy and comfort without agitation, which we avoid due to management human progress (which is a big part), let's do it, resulting from inevitable disasters so far attempted to mitigate investigacon and solidarity with material and emotional because of the inevitability of chance or causality (the more painful and difficult to manage emotionally) to discover the meaning of trscendencia, we can only (in pain) we comfort and console (from empathy, without trial and solutions empty or dogmas) for make it more bearable, with a tribute in the shape to continue our life with the illusion of memory, that is what we all want our loved ones if you let them, to continue their lives without despair, delusion and exploitation.
Nuesto common future. We urgently need to promote change in growth patterns of production and consumption can meet the needs of present generations without compromising future generations to meet theirs could, which forms one of the most interesting ideas and transformation of contemporary thought, solidarity between generations as a development that will serve as a catalyst to promote prosperity by promoting access to human rights and the preservation of the farm planeta.La that life is worth so little Corruption and equipment and Ethics is widespread in our species, but it will soon be our last stop, each of us in our daily life attitude, the way we pause to rethink it's very important, the world has a personal responsibility, and have the reputation, relevance, social, economic or political power is time to revisit this vital opportunity for the company, its liability shall be multiplied, inaction is your fault and you judge severely present generation and future for her.
Unite, the government of the world, not hiding behind flags, patriotic, beliefs, ideologies, assumptions, principles of altruism and noble ethereal reasons that gives them the excuse to continue with this lifestyle was not perverse, distorted, unbalanced, dysfunctional, which only benefits your own spiral schizophrenic, which features your failure and stagnation in human evolution, and that makes you blind Purge the paranoia of the accident on the transition from quadruped to biped, or separately.

Those who have not forgotten you and you are not alone, you have the courage to stand up and shout enough is enough, around the world will stop not to passivity and indifference of morons that we impose a way of being, living, feeling and thinking absurd, irrational, criminal and suicidal.

Inspiration and focus our research efforts to resolve our contradictions, inequalities, natural disasters, diseases, our limitations and contradictions in research that is where the real future (research and innovation development more more) IDI desrrollo rights.

Let's make this project a reality, thanks to all, please contact: Global Governance Project

GLOBAL POINT-ZERO-HUMANITY international NGOs., Tel, 982 21 8178, Lugo. Real
Fernando, author, creator and project director of global government, global humanity, international NGOs, the zero point is an anthropologist emotional chaos theory thinker (with applications, mathematics, theory of behavior, biology, physics, psychiatry, psychology, sociology

Auditioning For Disney Cruise

Governance Project Global

My idea is
In summary, all anonymous contributors, no Public Interest in addition to the relevance and possibilities of their position and activities, and all volunteers who believe in change, we enter in the search for how to achieve it. The only goal is to end inequality, hunger, suffering, climate change and injustice.
For full access to natural resources, advanced medicine, food and education. Only the joint management of natural resources, and research in all areas that make up our existence, we can do with a global world government, because what happens or is decided in one place affects everything and everyone, and you can place in a vibration of existence, understanding and understanding of individual and collective behavior, actions, thoughts and feelings stimulants, unmolested spasmodic and irrational, and put us to the world at risk, and we feel stunted emotions, feelings and dreams, not allowing them to move freely, to feel the exciting discovery of our sensory and physical universe and others, and the timelessness of the pursuit of the joy of feeling and to live without fear, thanks to the constant evolution of our ego, which gives us vital records infinity, and the best we have, the uncertainty what will happen at any moment, allowing us to enjoy the journey, not the final destination.
Through education, understanding and information from our emotions, desires and dreams, can not manipulate or control our feelings, desires or fears, distance and we are facing, and reach understanding, knowledge and decide the freedom that comes with education This is what we want, who want to love, that we want we want and how we love.
Thanks to the inspiration and the active collaboration of Eduardo Punset (science writer), Bibiana Aido (Minister Equality, Spain), Paul Krugman (economist), Iñaki Gabilondo (communicator); Inigo Rafael Rodríguez Mendieta (biologist), Angela Ambross (psychiatrist), Javier Rodríguez Mendieta (psychiatrist), Isabel Coixet (Director) Jose Luis Blanco ( journalist); Angel Gabilondo (Minister of Education, Spain), Ignacio Polanco (Chairman of Prisa), Luis Bassat (publicist) Jeff Jarvis (journalist and blogger), Robert B. Zoellick (World Bank), greed Angela (journalist) Amelie Nothomb (writer), Nieves González, Bebe (vocals), Amy Lee (vocals). Red Cross, Red Crescent, UNICEF, Amnesty Iinternacional, Human Rights Watch, National Geographic, BBC, Reuters, CNN, TVE, Doctors Without Borders, Reporters Without Borders, Greenpeace, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Nelson Mandela Foundation Vicente Ferrer. United Nations, FAO, UNESCO, NASA, FDA and universities: Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, Columbia, Berkeley, Oxford College of London, MIT, the Institute of Technology Zurich; jiao Shanghay per ton, the King Abdullah Science and Technology; Complutense de Madrid, Autonoma de Barcelona.

The key is the secret emotions and real illusion Fernando (coordinator unifying ideas and empirical chaos and practice), feels, looks and thinks like a child and have all the answers to the meaning of life without social and sensory distortions doubt and uncertainty as we grow, insurance cripple and enslave us. Changing the world is not only possible but easy and convenient, each of us because he woke up in his attitude, lowering the level of stress and pressure (induced and self-induced), will reduce the stress of daily life (in our affairs and affections), and without effort to change the perspective, then, the goals, dreams, ambitions, and insecurity complex disappear to leave your world and expand your mind to feel and create, how, let irony, sarcasm and cynicism that's what we have established lines in disbelief.
"The best way to predict the future is to invent" We are beginning to change, the forces are numerous and certainties, there will be a revolution but an evolution that leads to the near future that we know to be very different by In the past, will be a degree more to the advancement of civilization, with a model based on spreading prosperity and mental, to understand the emotional, sensory and transcendent, no growth PIB.Se turns inertia of current thinking involutive, evolutionary thinking, and finally make our world a place of understanding society in a personal, social and implemented for both real life consciousness of being alive, was given a biological and evolutionary leap we all just puzzle pieces to replace. The key is
emotions (education emotions, managing emotions) illusions (illusion of knowledge) affects, feelings etc. (perhaps the missing link), and do not let the install resignation can not cambiar.Podemos to theorize and philosophize about what life is, but what is indisputable is or should be, the most exciting adventure, exciting and challenging future, the draft rights, has never tried something similar but with your help and a huge column fifth that you are waiting coordinated action, we believe that the emperor is naked.
Why are we in this project? the better, because you have to do because they need to do, this is not a utopia, a utopia is to think that hunger, disease, climate humanos.el traffic resources Natural, food, housing and so it is we have the illusion that deprives us of this widespread skepticism, the cause can not be reached, Please join this adventure, we can not continue, coordinated we are powerful, and you'll see the power of illusion is the key mundial.La tall woman (the machismo of mild, moderate and high this return without complex) we obtain the Stockholm syndrome within which we live have always been men, fear of not controlling our life go hand in hand with fear unknown, and the future will be a stimulus for the evolution and human progress in all its facets.
The objective is to involve and train groups of people, NGOs, associations, companies etc so that others will lead to more visible and important that we be given access to more and more, from local to universal. Mail mandare that many people from all walks of society, some have already contacted, so all the NGOs of the world, associations, foundations, media, universities, schools, research services in general, all Multinational sectors, international organizations all types, all governments around the world irrespective of ideological, religious, cultural or ethnic, etc. etc.
It is a reality, change is imminent, I need help, I need you, your hope , your social position (which is) to take us further, I want no money, no grants, no job, no awareness of one full life, and there is no shame in which we made our species, and the absurdity of destroy the planet (our home) where we live and can not be a pile of manure, because it is the basis of everything and the answer to everything (food, biology, medicine ...) and clean our house aireemos (and have a more breathable, literally!), and how we clean and we airearemos, the prospect of clean air, overall confidence will return to live without distrust of self and others (the change of this approach to life, would be an emotional tsunami, which hit all).
I know I speak as a visionary, a fool, a dreamer, a dreamer, but I only have dreams, I have the keys to how to prepare and how your child see retrotayendote'll exactly how naive yo.La life is the key to the wisdom that makes us grow up and never completes the essential stimulus (remember your childhood and you have the answers) will begin the greatest adventure you've dreamed .
Fernando Real, emotional anthropologist, philosopher, especially a man with great enthusiasm, who lives in a state of shock and anger that we lose. I need the illusion that each of you that people from one area of \u200b\u200blife, work, work, sex, age, creed ...., word of mouth to your e-mails and all kinds of contacts to convey worldwide advance this project, we will be the largest network of volunteers ever.
We also need to all NGOs, associations, foundations, media, corporations, governments, philanthropists, who are all on the Forbes list, the UN, economic, scientific .... etc., prior to infinity. Finally, most ideas and solutions for the reorganization of our lives and those who come on this planet Remember: climate, food, water, natural resources, education (emotions, affections, hopes, ambitions, frustrations, passions, miedovital) For everything there is also a response to the transcendent, evanescent. Each of us believes the same thing and the same fears, understanding and empathy leads to this knowledge and not to mistrust and fear we not between us and the unknown, most curious illusion about the intelligence and happiness.
We have the answers to everything, all the essential aspects, spiritual, emotional, mental and space before and are eager to connect all human beings.
CHANGE THE WORLD IS POSSIBLE, passwords are emotion, illusion, curiosity, imagination and education (of thought), the objective is to stop killing, manage Natural resources, environment, climate, understand our emotions and relationships of understanding the global context, grow and develop.

Stereotyping, prejudice, stereotypes and traditions are primitive involution a security zone, but it slows our progress towards the fullness of life.
Happiness is a dream and could not be a goal is an elusive goal, your dream research absurd and impractical, because once supposed to have reached the moment of losing the fear of losing what we have, and ensure the security underlying cause insecurity in any case would be a delusion attitude, curiosity and understanding of each experiment, each time giving us a state of physical, mental, spiritual, merged with the environment, but especially the enthusiasm and endless curiosity for all them and around it (everything is related, physical, mental, transcendent and evanescent) and inherent in every human being.
cynicism, irony, sarcasm, skepticism and indifference are the enemy of totalitarianism, our greatest illusion aliado.No no races, no creed, no country, no differences in ideology or gender, there is the humans and a place to share, understand and appreciate, so changing the world and because we are more and more enthusiasm and conviction, some say you can not, but if you can, of course, you can and above all should, and we, because not only for what we are doing wrong, so we lose everything.
EDUCATION; only thought is to understand and comprehend, leave the space for thought, learning to think and think, doubt leads to critical thinking, questioning the belief lit, it is essential for a break in stimuli and activities that fill the space more and more, with a pressure level that cancels the other and the self-knowledge, a source of stress that affects the senses and feelings of emotional and sensory perception of assimilation slow and complex, promoting stimuli and immediate reactions and irrational were enslaved and thwarted in an unsatisfactory long life Research increasingly frantic a higher dose of stimuli empty relativizing sense perception, wealth emotional and personal development, meeting with adrenaline and determinism all their poverty and emotional emptiness.
INTELLIGENCE is to openly acknowledge what is doubtful or unknown, not to get bogged down in ignorance of absolute certainties, there is no single gene for intelligence, curiosity, imagination, enthusiasm and access to necessary information, as well as sex, no secrets, most of the time it is trial and error to find the key, which is what research in general. Children are born without vital stereotypes, we must focus on education has informed understanding of emotions, sensory, nutritional, physical, psychological, medical, climatic, emotional perspectives own knowledge are essential. Reenseñemonos teaching and thinking, leaving a space for it and we can not act on imitation, tradition, the reaction, which makes us live in constant contradiction
and does not understand himself, betraying and denying our own personality, leading to dissatisfaction, where self-centeredness, selfishness, and then eventually to blindness of evil, which flows into the individual and collective cruelty authentic existential panic emotional ignorance, to teach thinking.

Rethinking the way we live, feel, the mix of tangible to intangible assets, our fears enslave us, the illusion gives us real freedom to develop in the emotions, feelings and intelligence, not invulnerable to defend ourselves, once we stop subjecting women in one way or another, to indoctrinate and inoculate our children our insecurities, to benefit the most vulnerable due to chance or causal vital, then we will feel the vastness of the existencia.BIEN;
A billion people suffer hunger, deprivation and injustice in the world, no one knows who die for it and its derivatives, 30 million suicides per year, countless are harassed and humiliated, the more the world population living in despair and resignation in progress, is indecent and unacceptable, we have the resources, technology and intelligence needed to resolve this problem immediately, from now on, no excuses, complaints and defaults, you simply change perspective and the emotional life of the priority empathetic thoughts, hopes, desires, ambitions, hopes and achieve a true sense of the human dimension, the essence of the consciousness of being alive and aware of our reality together. Thank you for this economic crisis, which is actually a model of life crises and relationship with us, others and the environment in all areas of life, practice (survival) to emotional ( in all its forms), and existential anguish and stupor, but the relationship between them and their interaction in the context of practical, important and evanescent.
This crisis gives us the opportunity to change the drift of people and their involvement, climatic, environmental and biological, which goes to extinction by simple stupidity, or even out of spite or selfishness, hurry up, not much time if we continue with this culpable.Para egocentrism are all essential, women do not accessories of the earth (are the main protagonists and irreplaceable), are pets or children (where our frustrations reverse), or neutralization old ones (but broader perspective and distance) or a subspecies of men standing in the evolution (when we contacted all pedestal, and created a social distortion).
Lower the stress level in which we live (do not know the target), and Rush '(for not know where) and (do not know that), and survive or maintain any sense of absurdity that slow evolution than by fear of change, preferring the devil they know, through the encouragement of what is discover, which is the essence of existence).
Decreased latent aggression of our relations (all types), which desensitizes us, and brutal indifference leads us, the unknown will be a stimulus for growth and expansion, stereotypes, prejudice, stereotypes are not safe areas, but which hinders our evolution towards the fullness of life, how?, secrecy is the vision curious, naive and spontaneous that we all have an innate characteristic of the birth, vision of life, the important thing is to think that requires thought, introspection, a little respite, calm and slow life, which gives us the appropriate perspective to address our ignorance emotional, sensory and understanding of understanding of ourselves, without perspective and have a sense of worthlessness of our individual and social life, to finally feel a clear relationship intimate feel alive, with the existential calm, not aggressive response to external stimuli and internal, so that we can educate ourselves and for hope for future generations of knowledge: emotional, sensory, climate, health, nutrition, art, imbued with creativity, but the interaction with other people, living beings and the environment, we fell In love with life itself, learning to love and want to make us fall in love as we fall in love with freedom gives the knowledge of self, and stop acting like zombies emotional, so you can feel the real vital consciousness and critical awareness necessary to grow and evolve in the new global humanity, where we came from, no matter where we go, on us, its discovery will be an encouragement, not anxiety.
The simple reaction of a primary immediate objective is for basic survival. To grow, enjoy and feel, allow trigger all the feelings and reactions that give pause, it is imperative to assimilate with the ingenuity that gives the doubt and humility, the art of living life in the love, every sensation since despiertas.La sadness, frustrations, disappointments, complexes and fears, these supposed weaknesses, have a chance to question you improve and learn, give us a broader view of self and Environment different angles to make all our documents circulating emotional and sensory fusion with transcendence, and the evanescence of ordinary reality, not try to fight it, let steep for their growth, you know, you love to love and conscience, are not really weaknesses are opportunities to divert non-relevance of emotional and sensitive information, and set your priorities with more arguments for how specific you are, and decide to be as you want to be in constant evolution in order to broaden the vision of yourself and your world.
Sensitivity is the better one imaginable human beings, do not hesitate to let it show, is a form of expression, not a defect, or limitation, it humanizes you and makes you sympathize with you and other people, beings ambiente . Reira ½ live, enjoy, cry, suffer, is it self-confidence, and not already acquired, do not hide it, the perspective is reversed, that is to be strong, not weak by or ashamed to show fear, dare you.
emotional breakdowns (romantic, friendship, family) cause an earthquake in our lives and emotions, but extremely painful, it is very understandable to see why or we will run these feelings, along with a logical argument (that the world of intangibles) and upset when we change (the one who causes or vice versa), "there's always light at the end of the tunnel," he came out, it is important to emerge stronger, not bitterness, cynicism or resignation, because I suffer not registered.
It's actually a revival of foreclosure and rediscover all your files and sensory emocinal gives us a perspective different from theirs and others, and you'll be amazed at this new creative sensibility and empathy that in you and everything else to really feel fusion that occurs between you, others and the environment (against all odds, senses, feelings are multiplied), and feeling that everything is linked and are part of everything and your emotional life afecctiva just depends on your acctitud (at breakneck speed without shields and complex, is the only way to really appreciate), you can not control what is yours, not the string of your feelings of pleasure to someone or something, all this on you (it does not depend on sharing) based only benefit if you err, to suffer, but do not look the way you are or feel, enjoy your new development, leaving behind him the injustice, because sincere apologies heal yourself (and do not depend on you), love and love is to feel free insecurities or complex emotional and social, that gives a false sense of security, and will never be the same person, but improved, open and honest, you will be your complete, which is poetry to discover new sensitivity life.This new vision a more general approach is to dwell on details of each action, sensation, vision, excitement and intensity really happens is infinitely precious and painful in their sorrows and joys, the frustrations of constantly advancing, and success to humility without pretension, showing the true scale and impressive records and appreciate your sense of touch, taste, odor, air, rain, snow, sun , cold, heat, food, wishes, desires, ambitions, love and sexuality course you can describe with a slight smile, pale skin, a smell that permeates the environment, it will be Transfer your sensuality your attitude toward life, relationships, namely the discovery of each action, thought, feeling, interaction with nature and content, ultimately of your being.
Is not being selfish, loneliness not to be alone, you can watch to see what's egocentric to feel around, reduce your life to grow, reduce your mind to develop , feels, lives, loves and a child and see your maturity, doubt and uncertainty still not cease to defend yourself and be invincible.
Beauty and other lies in the asymmetry, which give the expressions, actions and ways to be original and unique, your physical, your way of being, living, feeling, expressing only to see beyond symmetries, which are lines without movement and life, make them live and see the beauty and your belleza.Esto is best that you can give someone in your emotional life of any kind, even if now, understanding and empathy with the joys and sorrows of life and your somatization of them sensitive and positive.
People are bored and frustrated because they do not look at the details, then look for strong stimuli primary artificial and others that make them intolerant, primitive and dogmatic, pure fear, which leads to meaning ignorance, he is a gene of evil, to teach them not to take that fear of change, because the real encouragement and really powerful, they are behind these irrational reactions.
Search to pause to recognize opportunities, slow to decide quickly and correctly, peace of mind to absorb the emotions and the criteria for speed, live, live, LIVE, (time does not pass, you live ) is what we fly when we are facing, control us or we kill, the great secret of life: to feel how to be yourself, retrieves the ingenuity, enthusiasm and curiosity of your children, look a baby and really, a kiss and spontaneous not have it, a smile and is there, and you mismo.Recuerda, inspiration Life is not a point, not a moment is constant, omnipresent and no end, not a trivial point, just to fill time waiting for something else, life is now.
ECONOMY, one of the dirty secrets of the economy is that there is no "economic theory." It is simply a set of fundamental principles on which basic calculations illuminate the economic performance of the real world.
We must keep in mind this limitation of knowledge economy, when you push up the fiscal austerity across the world.
Unlike economists, biologists know for example that all cells operate accordance with the instructions for the synthesis of proteins encoded in their DNA.
Chemicals beginning with Heisenberg and Pauli principles, but the three dimensions of space and tell us the configuration of electrons.
physicists begin with the four forces of economists have nothing nature.The parecido.Los economic principles are based on who has the bomb, domination and mathematical algorithms obsolete manipulated.

The research, become unemployed, your unemployment and job dissatisfaction is an area so dense, difficult, endless and you just need an informed education (education read), so we need to implement management resources and redirect our energies on progress humano.La research in all areas we also provide answers to questions we all ask the transcendent, it will be a collection of interaction of all and everything, while we study and investigate all theorize live without fear, because we're here (not knowing what, what, does this mean?), let us, and we enjoy temamonos or are afraid of what will be, if anything, or if all everything in the universe is somehow related to the art that still do not understand, as scientists and philosophers, not kill for her.
Managing emotions of the great misfortunes of the collective and personal, we are unbearable, so incomprehensible and emptiness that we produce, but the unspeakable pain and sadness, are partly to do with transcendence, wehave, for Research and empathy and comfort without agitation, which we avoid because of the management of human progress (which is a big part), let's do it, resulting from inevitable disasters so far attempted to mitigate and investigacon Solidarity with material and emotional because of the inevitability of chance or causality (the most painful and difficult to manage emotionally) to discover the meaning of trscendencia, we can only (in pain) we comfort and console (from empathy, without trial and solutions empty or dogmas) to make it more bearable, with a tribute shape to continue our lives with the illusion of memory, that is what we all want our loved ones if you let them to continue their lives without despair, delusion and exploitation.
Nuesto common future. We urgently need to promote change in growth patterns of production and consumption can meet the needs of present generations without compromising future generations to meet theirs could, which forms one of the most interesting ideas and transformation of contemporary thought, solidarity between generations as a development that will serve as a catalyst to promote prosperity by promoting access to human rights and preservation of the farm planeta.La that life is worth so little corruption and hardware and ethics is very common in our species, but it will soon be our last stop, each of us in our daily life attitude the way we stop to rethink it's very important, everyone has a personal responsibility, and have the reputation social relevance, economic or political power is time to revisit this vital opportunity for the company, its liability shall be multiplied, inaction is your fault and you judge harshly the current generation and the future for her.
Unite, the government of the world, not hiding behind flags, patriotic, beliefs, ideologies, assumptions, principles of altruism and noble ethereal reasons that gives them the excuse to continue with this mode of Life has not perverse, distorted, unbalanced, dysfunctional, which only benefits your own spiral schizophrenic, which features your failure and stagnation in human evolution, and that makes you blind Purge the paranoia of the accident on the transition from quadruped to biped, or separately.

Those who have not forgotten you and you are not alone, you have the courage to stand up and shout enough is enough, around the world, does not shrink from the passivity and indifference morons that we impose a way of being, life, feeling and thinking absurd, irrational, criminal and suicidal.

Inspiration and focus our research efforts to resolve our contradictions, inequalities, natural disasters, diseases, our limitations and contradictions in research that is where the real future (research and development innovation over more) IDI desrrollo rights.

Let's make this project a reality, thanks to all, please contact: Global Governance Project

GLOBAL POINT-ZERO-HUMANITY international NGOs., Tel, 982 21 8178, Lugo. Real
Fernando, author, creator and project director of global government, global humanity, international NGOs, the zero point is an anthropologist emotional chaos theory thinker (with applications, mathematics, theory du comportement, la biologie, la physique, la psychiatrie, la psychologie, la sociologie