Saturday, October 9, 2010

Why Does My Face Look Uneven

global point of global governance project
zero Humanities International non-governmental organizations

My idea is
short, all anonymous contributors, not the public about, except that the relevance and possibilities, their location and activities, and changes all the volunteers, who we believe in the search for how to achieve it together. The only goal is to end the inequality, hunger, misery, and injustice of climate change.
through education, awareness and information on our emotions, desires and dreams, can not manipulate or control their feelings, desires or fears, distance, facing us, so as to achieve understanding, awareness, and freedom of decision, which comes from the education is that we want, who want to love, because we want we want, how we love us.
thanks to the inspiration and the active collaboration of: Edward Punset (science writer), Bibiana Aido (Minister for Equality, Spain), Paul Krugman (economist), Iñaki Gabilondo (communication); 伊尼戈拉斐 Roe Rodriguez Mendieta (biologist), Angela Ambross (psychiatrist), 哈维尔罗德 Rodriguez Mendieta (psychiatric), Isabel Coixet (Director) José Luis Blanco (journalist); Angel Gabilondo (Jiaoyu Bu Minister, Spain), 伊格纳西奥 Polanco (president of PRISA), Luis Bassat (PR) 杰夫贾维斯 (reporter and Blogger ), Robert B. Zoellick (World Bank); Angela greed (Xinhua) Amelie Nothomb (writer), Nieves Gonzalez, Justin (vocals), Amy Lee (vocals). Red Cross, Red Crescent, UNICEF, Amnesty Iinternacional, Human Rights Watch, National Geographic, BBC, Reuters, CNN, township enterprises, Doctors Without Borders, Reporters Without Borders, Greenpeace, the Bill and Merlin Gates Foundation, the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the Foundation 维森特费雷尔. United Nations, FAO, UNESCO, NASA, United States FDA和大學:劍橋,哈佛,耶魯,斯坦福,普林斯頓,哥倫比亞,柏克萊,牛津大學,倫敦,美國麻省理工學院理工學院蘇黎世 Shanghay焦到噸,阿卜杜拉國王科技;馬德里完全,巴塞羅那自治大學。

"The best way to predict the future is to invent" We are at the beginning of change, many advantages, a few uncertainties, will be a revolution, but evolution, resulting in the near future, we know that is very different from the past, a certain extent, the progress will be more civilized, with the model based on the spread of prosperity and the spirit, understanding emotions, feelings, and beyond, not PIB.Se moment of inertia of the growth is the current thinking of menopause, evolutionary thinking, and ultimately make us understanding of a place the world community, as an individual, social, and implementation is really important is the awareness alive, has been given to the process of biological evolution, we need only replace the problem parts.
The key is emotional (affective education, management of emotions) fantasy (fantasy knowledge) the impact of emotional (and perhaps the missing link), etc., do not let it install the resignation can not do anything cambiar.Podemos theory and philosophy of the life of is, but what is or should be no doubt that the most exciting adventure, excitement, stimulate progress, plan for mankind, has never tried anything comparable, but your help and a huge fifth column, you're waiting for coordinated action, we will make it seem, the emperor is naked.
為什麼我們在這個項目?因為你必須這麼做,因為他們需要做的,它不是一個烏托邦,烏托邦是,認為飢餓,疾病,販運 humanos.el氣候,天然資源,糧食,住房,所以最好我們有錯覺,以為剝奪我們這個普遍持懷疑態度,因為它無法實現,請加入這個冒險,我們不能繼續,協調的,我們是強大的,你會看到電源的錯覺是偉大的女人mundial.La鍵(大男子主義,低,中,高強度的這個復出,無需複雜)如果我們得到的一般斯德哥爾摩症候群中,我們一直生活的人,怕沒有控制我們的生活將隨著恐懼不明,未來將是一個刺激進化和人類進步的所有方面。
Our goal is to involve and train people, non-governmental organizations, associations, companies, etc., so that some people make us increasingly visible and important visit, we get more and more, from local to universal. Mail Mandare these people from all walks of life, and some have been contacted, they are the world non-governmental organizations, associations, foundations, media, universities, schools, research departments in general, all multi-national sector, international organizations, all type, all governments around the world, regardless of ideology, religion, culture or race, etc., etc.
This is a reality, change is imminent, I need help, I need you, your hopes, your social status (which is) we have taken further, I do not want money, no benefits, no job, no notoriety only one life overall, this is not possible shame, as we make our species, and absurd to destroy the planet (our home) in our lives, not dunghill, because there is this basis, the answer to all these (food, biology, medicine ...) And aireemos clean up our house (and have a more breathable environment, literally!), And we clean up and airearemos us, from this point of view a clean, the overall confidence will return, lost his life and distrust of others (the change of attitude to life, will be an emotional tsunami, which will fill all.)
I know I sound like a visionary, a madman, a dreamer, a dreamer, but I only dream of, the key to how I prepare and the way your children see clearly how naive retrotayendote'll yo.La life is the key to wisdom, so that we grow up, will never end, it is important to stimulate (remember your childhood, you have the answer), will begin the greatest adventure you have dreamed.
Fernando real, emotional anthropologists, philosophers, especially warm man, who lived in the shock and anger, we lost. I need every illusion in any area of \u200b\u200byour personal life, professional, labor, gender, age, religion ...., from word of mouth to your e-mail and various contacts around the world made this project in the future, we will have the history of the network the largest since the volunteers.
我們還需要所有非政府組織,協會,基金會,媒體,企業,政府,慈善家,所有這些都在福布斯的富豪榜,聯合國,經濟,科學 ....等,轉發到無窮大。最後,大多數的想法和解決方案的重組,我們的生活和那些誰出現在這個星球上,請記住:氣候,食物,水,自然資源,教育(情緒,情感,希望,抱負,挫折,激情,miedovital)對於一切有響應還向超然,逝。我們每個人一樣,認為在同樣的擔憂,理解和同情帶我們到這方面的知識,而不是不信任,害怕我們之間沒有我們和未知的,最好奇的幻想,以智慧和幸福。
We have all the answers, all the important aspects of mental, emotional, mental space and most importantly, the desire to communicate to all people.
changing world is possible, the password is emotion, imagination, curiosity, imagination and education (teaching ideas) in order to stop the killing, management Ziranziyuan, environment, climate, to understand our feelings and understanding of the relationship on a global scale to develop and expand.

cynicism, irony, sarcasm, skepticism and indifference is the enemy of totalitarianism, our greatest illusion aliado.No no race, no religion, no country, no ideology or gender differences, only humans and a place to share, understand and enjoy So they changed the world, as we more and more enthusiasm and faith, some say you can not, but if you can, of course you can and the most important thing is necessary, we will, because it is not just because we've done things, so we lost some time.
information was publicly acknowledged any questions or unknown, and not stuck in the ignorance of absolute certainty, no single gene intelligence, curiosity, imagination, passion, and obtain the necessary information, and gender, is no secret, large trial and error to find part-time is the key to this is research in general. Children born without major stereotypes, we must focus on education, notification, perceptual awareness, sensory, nutrition, physical, psychological, medical, climate, view to know their feelings is essential. Reenseñemonos teaching and reflection, for it creates the space, we will not take action imitation, tradition, the reaction, so that we live in
Buduan the conflict did not realize their own, selling their own personality, denial, lead to dissatisfaction, therefore, Ziwozhongxin , selfish, evil and ultimately blindness, mobility to the cruel individual and collective ignorance of real panic, teaching ideas.

to rethink our way of life, feelings, mixed tangible to intangible, fear to enslave us, let us imagine the growth of true freedom emotionally, emotional and intellectual, rather than to protect our impeccable, once we stop the subject of women in this species or that way, and our children vaccinated instill the sense of insecurity, to the use of the most vulnerable is critical due to chance or causal relationship, then we will feel the vast existencia.BIEN;
crisis gives us the opportunity to change the way people drift and significance of climate, environment and biological, are to extinction by simple stupidity, or even out of malice or selfish, losing no time, time is running out, and if we continue this Ziwozhongxin culpable.Para all this is essential, women do not prop the earth (the main, the main character can not be replaced), a pet or child (including reverse frustration), or the old barriers of inert (but more extensive angle and distance), or a subspecies of man standing in the evolution (when we release the seat assembly, causing the social distortion.)
reduce stress levels, so that our life (do not know the target), and rush (do not know where) and there (do not know), and the significance of subsistence or absurd afraid of change only slowly evolving, would prefer the devil they know what is in encouraging was found that this is the essence of existence).
sensitivity of the human imagination is the best quality, do not hesitate to make him appear, is a form of expression, not a defect, or limitation, is the human you so that you sympathize with you and other people, beings ½ ambiente.Reir life enjoyment, sorrow, pain, self confidence, rather than the acquisition of already have it, not hide it, this angle is the opposite, that is strong, the disadvantage is not out of shame or show fear, not to you.
emotional breakdown (romantic, friendship, family), the earthquake caused in our lives and emotions, though very painful, it is very understandable, why do we go or run a special feeling, with a logical argument (because it is the invisible world assets), so when we change the damage (that is, one who causes or vice versa), also said: "The end of the tunnel of light", it was important that more powerful, not bitterness, cynicism or resignation, because I not allow Save.
it is actually a revival was confiscated and re-record all that you feel and emocinal, give us a different perspective than their own and others, you will be surprised to find that this new sensitivity to creativity and empathy in your and all other, in order to really feel the integration between your man and the environment (regardless of all sense of feeling is to take), and then think of all forms part of the connection and all of your love life, just depends on your afecctiva acctitud(以驚人的無盾牌和複雜,只有這樣,真正享受),你只能控制什麼是你們的,不鏈你的快感的東西或一個人,這一切對你(它不依賴於共享),依托只有享受,如果你犯錯,有痛苦,但不看你的方式或感覺,享受您的新的發展,留下遭受的不公平,因為只有真誠的道歉會醫治您(而不是取決於你),愛,愛是自由的感覺或複雜的情緒和不安全感的社會,給人以虛假的安全感,也永遠不會是同一個人,但改善,開放和誠實的,將是你完成,這是詩的新life.This發現一個新的視野敏感度更一般的方法包括,為居住在每個動作的細節,感覺,視覺,興奮,真的有發生的強度和痛苦是無比珍貴的在他們的悲喜,挫折而停止前進,不謙虛和驕傲的成功,顯示了真正的規模和令人印象深刻,記錄並感謝您的觸覺,味覺,氣味,空氣,雨,雪,太陽,冷,熱,食品,渴望,慾望,野心,愛情和性的課程,你只能形容一個淡淡的微笑,淡淡刷新你的皮膚,一聞到瀰漫的環境,這將轉移您的感官你的生活態度,人際關係,即發現每一個行動,思想,感情,互動的性質和內容,最終你的存在。
not selfish, seeking solitude will not be alone, you will see it and see what the feeling of what is Ziwozhongxin reduce your life and expand your mind to minimize swelling, feeling, life, love and a child, Look at your maturity, doubt and uncertainty do not always stop to protect themselves, to be invincible.
beauty lies in themselves and others asymmetric, so that the facial expressions, movements and methods are unique, your body, your mode of existence, life, emotion, expression only see beyond the symmetry, this is the line fixed, life, make them come alive and see the beautiful, your belleza.Esto is the best person you can provide an emotional relationship of any kind, if, as now, the fun from the understanding and sympathy and sorrow of their lives, your body, they are wise and positive.
People are bored and frustrated, because they do not see the details, so the main stimulus to find a strong, artificial and others, which makes them of intolerance, primitive and dogmatic, out of sheer fear, which leads to the feeling of ignorance, a gene that evil, to teach them not to take that fear change, because the real encouragement, real strong, they are right behind the irrational reactions.
look to identify opportunities to stop, slow the rapid, correct decisions, in the silence of the mind to absorb the mood and speed of the standard, live, live, live, (time does not pass, you live in) This is in front of us we steal , the control us or we kill, the great secret of life: do your own feeling? , Retrieve the intelligence, enthusiasm and curiosity of the children, watching a child, really, a kiss and spontaneous with it, a smile, where you mismo.Recuerda, life, inspiration, is not a point, no moment is change, everywhere, no end, no time for mediocrity, just fill the time waiting for something else, and now lives.
economy, one of the shameful secret of the economy there is no "economic theory." There is a simple set of basic principles as the basis for calculating the economic performance lit up the real world.
We must remember that when you push the limits of economic knowledge of the global financial crunch.
Unlike economists, biologists know that the example of the operation of all organizations follow the instructions to the synthesis of DNA encoding the protein.
these chemicals began with Heisenberg and Pauli principle, but the three dimensions of space, and tell us the electronic configuration.
physicists of the four forces of nature almost no parecido.Los economists economy is based on who the bomb, domination and manipulation of mathematical algorithms obsolete.

great misfortune emotion management, collective and individual, we are unbearable, so I can not understand and emptiness, we produce, but Nanyixingrong pain and sorrow, is part and beyond, we have to endure, to search for and provide no agitation sympathy and consolation, which we avoid the management of human progress (this is a big part), let us do so will inevitably lead to disaster, so far, trying to ease the investigacon and solidarity with the material and spiritual, and due to chance or causal necessity (the most painful and difficult to manage emotions) to find the meaning of trscendencia, we can only (in pain) to comfort and console us (from the empathy , without judging and solutions empty or dogma), making it more comfortable, there is the form of praise to our lives in the memory and fantasy, what it is, we all want our loved ones, if you let them continue their lives do not despair, exploitation and illusion.
Nuesto common future. We urgently need to change in order to promote production and consumption patterns to meet the growing demand for the present generations without compromising future generations to meet their potential, which will become one of the most interesting ideas and deal with contemporary thought, a development of intergenerational solidarity, which will as a catalyst to support the prosperity of human rights and protection of agricultural access planeta.La life is so low and the material values \u200b\u200band moral corruption of this phenomenon in our species, but it will soon be our last stop in each of the attitude of our Richangshenghuo, we stopped to rethink This is really very important way, everyone has a personal responsibility, who has the reputation, social relevance, economic or political power, they also can be an important opportunity to give back to society, its responsibility is to multiply, doing nothing is your fault, you judge the current generation of severely and future.
united world government, rather than hiding the flag, patriotism, faith, ideology, assumptions, principles and noble altruistic reasons ethereal, so that they have an excuse to continue this kind of life failure, perverse, distorted, unbalanced, functions disorders, not only conducive to their own spiral Jingshenfenlie, which depicts his own failure and stagnation of human evolution, which makes clear the accident you blind paranoid the transition from quadruped to biped, or separation.

do not forget those who suffered, you are not alone, the courage to stand up and yell enough, from around the world, rather than the passive withdrawal and apathy before the idiot, the way we impose the existence of life, feelings and thoughts absurd, unreasonable, crime and suicide.

inspiration and focus of our research efforts to resolve our conflicts, inequality, natural disasters, disease, the limitations and contradictions of our study, is the real future, silly (more and more innovation and development of research), desrrollo humans.

Let us make this project a reality, thanks to all, please contact:
global governance, global point of zero human engineering
international non-governmental organizations., telephone, 982218178, Lugo.
real Fernando, author, creator and program director of global government, global humanity, international non-governmental organizations an anthropologist thinkers zero emotional chaos theory (with applications, mathematics, theory of behavior, biology, physics, psychiatry, psychology, sociology


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