now is the time
the most important relationship we have is with ourselves, it is all the time and forever, take care, fall in love, amate, know in continuous evolution, and that will make you connect to it and each other, and your relationships more intense, that energy will give aesthetic presence to your essence-emocional.CAMBIAR THE WORLD IS POSSIBLE "Let's change the world because you can, because the world is us and we can change, just changing the acctitud to life with conviction about, ilusion.Alguien own knowledge and love of life: no distrust, no intrigue, no faces, no manipulation, no cheating, no one kills ..... lives discovering their feelings and emotions, ilusion.HAMBRE-SED-WAR-RAPE-CHILD ABUSE-Cynicism-INJUSTICE-KILLS-HANDLING-DESPAIR-TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN-PERVERSION-TORTURE-INDIFFERENCE-IMMORALITY-stationary-HUMILIATION-SUCIDIO-SOLEDAD- ABUSE-Climate Change-DESTRUCTION OF NATURE-TRAFFIC HUMAN GUINEA PIGS ORGAN-depletion-NATURAL RESOURCES-WATER POLLUTION AND AIR-and especially the ESSENCE HUMANA.Por this, the human project, so this government in the world, so I do, so we will and that can, and must, for us and for those to come, for a new future of emotions and remember it ilusion.UN DAY YOU WERE BRAVE, we! WE ARE THE WORLD, so you can cambiar.A THE PRESS (agencies, reporters, tv, radio ... etc) you want to be alone, reporting, accountants or actor; TO SCIENCE: not only is the joy of discovery , is also intended for use and handling (that's intelligence). The scientists, thinkers, writers, creators, Philosophers, Humanists: You have a gift, you can not attend impassive, this human degradation, let alone to theorize in a bubble of apparent implication pleasure, world leaders are us and our employees, is the era of the brave, the timing of the action, stop seen from the hill in a watchtower, as effigies undaunted, only descriptive of human collapse, the apocalypse will be indifference, must be in the trenches, first linea.Con your wisdom and effective presence, arrastrareis the world that you are waiting with impaciencia.No cosmic light will come to inspire, indolence and ignorance, debased, galloping out of control and I also dragged in the ethical-aesthetic retreat emocional.A all professions, your occupation, is what you do not what eres.La respectability and recognition comes from your humanity, no awards or achievements, or status, but your ilusion.Es the road itself, not the goal, the secret of human ILUSION.Sois vida.TU not expectant of complacency mushrooms, Reaction, one day you were brave, but not betray you, your essence that was where are you?. YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT REAL WORLD, so conduct yourselves as such and start, no more excuses, " not see that the emperor is naked? and your fear will not let you see that is also decrepit, and it is just that: your fear that it sostiene.HACEDLO YA, you have the knowledge and resources, not a revolution, is an evolution all associations, foundations, corporations and individuals on this list part of world government, global humanity, international NGOs zero point, to change the world, but those who want to be part of a new future of equal Newsteller about Argentine and resources, without distinction of any clase.A YOUTH, movilizaos: all lie, the world can change, do not resigneis to life with a predetermined future, invent and invent a future of illusion and conocimiento.A MINORS you are the world to participate, because you will change the world for you, your children and your children's children, this is not the generation of laziness, or complacency, this is THE GENERATION OF VALIENTES.A Those who suffer physically, psychologically and in any other way, we are ready . HAS ARRIVED THE TIME OF THE BRAVE, joining us? and the brave: they carry no weapons, no dogma, just enthusiasm and humility you help me?. Pd-There is a third part of this human project, world government, international NGOs zero point, because the four, ARE YOU, ARE YOU, all coordinated at the same time, throughout the world, that there are no distortions or manipulations, political, ideological or otherwise. You are not alone!. For the world as we knew there was Termimar, and begins a new way of living and relating among ourselves and around us, understanding and evolution of our emotions lead us to entendomiento. Sure you can!. List of world government: