Tuesday, December 14, 2010

German Figurines Marks


call upon any person, asciacion, foundation, corporation, project, Univera, school, college, government of any and all ckase mundob to translate their idea or project Mundisl a government for the common management of this plsneta, and an end to injustices, inequalities and enfrentamientos.Y how to manage natural resources, environment and education of joint forms.
This is our idea in the world wide union projected human site:
pleasse, view in blog (fernanrealblogspot.com), Project mundial.Para government study, discussion and aportancion of ideas.Se is a project involving the most relevant Unversity mundo.Podeis participate with your project own, including all Unversity the project will be chosen presentaremosven UNESCO, March 15, 2011, and elected representatives of the project, will expose you to the assembly of the United Nations on 21 September.
For more information: Fernando Real, President worlwide site unversity union, global government project, change the world organitation, Giving pledge group, gatesfoundatio, general manager of Proyects in Spain
Contact: Phone number, 618032653.982218178, mail: fernanreal @ hotmail . com Bases-Include
ways of relating, economy, sustainability, emotions, feelings, health, research.
In the above mentioned blog you have an example, remember that you are heading, to any social class, age, sex, etc, thanks.
To be specific, and after exposure the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 March 2011, at least 1500 people capacity. Send
Project between 20 and 25 February 2011, fernanreal@hotmail.com mail or postal address: Plaza de Alicante 6.2 d, cp-27004, Lugo, Spain
Sincerely, real Fernando, Unesco Projects, general manager


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