The present Department of Forests dela Province of Chaco, the management began in early 2010, has desarrolladouna intense activity during the year , tending to its internal reorganization yexterna, taking as its main objective the revival of the forestry sector, largely delayed .- This is reflected in the profusion of accionesdiversificadas, developed over the year 2010 to date.
First, effects and the Directorate of Forestry deque more accessible to the producer, reorganized the Central Bureau of resistance, much of it moving to the city of Saenz Peña ladirección much, becoming the main delegation, as alfuncionamiento of Management. Some of the changes implemented sedetallan below
Sáenz Peña
- Implemented Register Permissions Department, being the venue where all permits are approved in the province. Therefore, and noting that the permits are in force since June last year, records of permit applications has increased significantly therefore laatención and optimized to meet the growing requests, was hired trained personnel, both loadministrativo, as in the technique.
- was put into operation a DepartamentoTécnico, which runs permanently in Sáenz Peña, personalaltamente qualified in each area (Licensed System, IngenierosAgrónomos, etc.)
- was restructured and strengthened Detection System porimágenes offenses, with modernization of equipment, and technicians.
- Created a Entry Bureau to receive, darlugar and monitoring procedures for all submitted sinexcepción optimizing speeding through new computer equipment and Internet efectivaconectividad
.- - It created an Office for the Coordination of inspeccionesforestales, fines for offenders and controls, which depends on Central Control Office, Österreichisches and Control, implemented a major logísticade inspections and complaint charges, in order to achieve the recovery of lasmultas .-
Southwest Pcia. :
, was reorganized as a region, contratándoseuna Agronomist and two foresters, who joined losexistentes, reinforcing controls routes and assisting smallholder producers with permits, as unainnovación, because they never had done in the area.
- estábrindando The same attention to small producers throughout the province through the application dela 26,331 Law, which allows free darpermisos asimple have up to 10 occupants of the land, neglected for years. To implement serealizan meetings in various places inland, with the presence of nuestrostécnicos, who later tour the sites pequeñosproductores live, geo referencing their jobs in a GPS system, and achieving ofthis way to identify people and resources, defining plots and asignándosecupos according to the possibilities of each one in her bush, always with a resource conservation criteriode .-
West of the Province :
- In the same way worked on the West Province, hiring other professional and technical basis of the smallholders and streamlining the procedures concerning lospermisos.
- was built in a new OficinaForestal Frentones for the first time using the proceeds from the maderadecomisada in the area, made entirely of wood, fully equipped, laque was inaugurated with the presence of the governor.
- the rest is lasoficinas equipped with furniture, and computers with internet access, upgrades, and allowing intercommunication between all central and lasdelegaciones
.- - In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Impenetrable secontrató an Agricultural Engineer and Technical Forest, which are desarrollandouna management unit from Fort Hope, changing the image of extension SYSTEM OF guides and attention to small producers in the area.
- an agreement was made with Livestock to use instalacionesdel CEDEPRO at Fort Hope and New Pompeii, allowing vehicles allíy attend from the area.
- Moved Forestry Office Castelli, renovating and equipping staff to have a greater presence in the area.
- Changed the marketing system Quitilipi area, Machagay and Plaza, creating facilities and managing the cord from name Forestry Division Decontrol possible buyers of forest products. In this area, have a team of inspectors engaged in working in the control of stocks of the establishments, which permitiódetectar a number of serious irregularities, which ended with the auditing of the office of the Plaza, with specific allegations of illegal sales rably guides DGI, Prosecutor, Court of Auditors and Management Summaries.
- In Machagay, is trabajandoen the creation of a timber hub, which clarifies the market, and improve wood elvalor.
- is being restructured Office, Österreichisches Resistance Forest, since it identified serious irregularidadesque determined over from all staff and should be summarily yapartado their functions .-
- In the rest of the delegacionesse is working on restructuring, incorporating best staff ynuevo equipment and connectivity .
- sereestructuró In the central office computer system, strengthening the staff, and taking nuevasmedidas security breaches that allowed us to discover the system itself.
- We are working in a complementary manner Togetherwith ATP, a new Web-like computer system that allows self emisiónde guides by producers, and the collection of tariffs by dela ATP.
- Legal elDepartamento has been restructured, incorporating new profesionalesAbogados, which has speeded up collection of fines and resolution of cases, which are economic resources reflejaclaramente admitted for collection of fines, all vezque an average recovery of Eight Hundred Thousand Pesos ($ 800,000) in recent years, was passed to collect MillonesQuinientos Six Thousand ($ 6,500,000) only during 2010.
latotalidad He has restructured the administrative system mayorceleridad order to give it the opportunity to all the commitments assumed by the Directorate of Forestry, streamlining the procurement system and repair of vehicles and equipment.
- has created a Web page, continually updated, publishing the actions carried out by Forest laDirección and all news of interest to the sector, organizadoun direct communication system, and easily accessible information for producers and Disable ALL people in general, which is constantly updated charges of trained professional, who in addition to reporting, coordinates training Cursosde performed and organized by the Directorate of Forestry in últimosmeses.
- Restructured entire SYSTEM OF Nursery Management, incorporating a forestry engineer in charge, yhaciendo agreements with independent professionals, which has allowed the existence of Eucalyptus inventariossobre in the province, the selection of such unprecedented yun propagation system, so we are working on planting lograruna goal of 25,000 hectares. Forestry Division also abasteceplantines Municipal Reforestation Program conducted by laSubsecretaría of Municipalities.
Permanent Training Plan : From the Department deBosques, in the course of 2010, several courses and conferenciaspor throughout the province on:
- Diffusion Land Management.
- Forest Inventory.
- Courses bulldozers.
- preparation courses for environmental impact studies.
- Courses Management Plans by Law 26,331.
- deOrdenamiento was regulated Territorial Act and all resolutions on the implementation plans models of Land Use Change, Use, Silvopastoril, etc.
- are being held in provinceof, by the Directorate of Forestry, coordination and implementation delas first public hearing on Floor Plans Change, with lapresencia of broad sectors of the community.
- deimportantes is processed obtain national resources, amounting to twenty-six depesos Million ($ 26,000,000), which together with the respective projects, permitirábrindar subsidies to all farmers having their land forest regularizada.En this we are working on management techniques dealgarrobo regeneration in the area of \u200b\u200bVilla Angela, including this activity in lossubsidios of law.
- ycontacto intensified exchanges with neighboring Brazil, taking a trip with producers to internalize new systems, totally innovative in the productionof coal, in order to encourage industry and greater efficiency, with optimal results. So much so, queluego of meetings with producers in that sector, it was possible for the first time inthe province, the formation of the Chamber of Exporters of Coal, by linking them to the bank of the Chaco.
- We are working with international metallurgical tresempresas for the usoenergético Eucalyptus plantation in the province.
- was formed Forestry Bureau, as a forum for discussion of all issues in the sector, portodas integrated the component parts. Thus, we have successfully integrated a tripartite discussion mesade, State, Industry and Producers to discuss yllegar agreement on the price of tannin, whose first meeting will 23de February. Been installed in the debate, the issue price of wood and dela legality of the sector, as pillars provinceof forestry development.
- We have worked with parts of Florida, the Nation deAmbiente Secretariat of Customs operations, clarifying maderasde market value. We worked with them in a unique guide that includes Palo Santo, Urunday and Guayacan.
- One of the pillars of estagestión is to achieve regulatory OrdenamientoTerritorial Act, through which, it is possible to grant different permisos.Por this, the number of permits increased by 30% during the períodocomprendido between the years 2009 to 2010 .- In this way, all producers have the possibility to work legally, which guarantees us greater control, especialmentepor have improved the management and the process of granting and monitoring of permits, all paperwork simplification, streamlining the entire administrative system.