Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How To Full Version Easyshare


is reported that as of Monday, May 9 starts to charge the replacement fee at all Forest offices of the Directorate of Forestry, for all commodities.
The agreement is in force since December 2010 under Law No. 26,377, for those producers and workers who carry out activities in the province of Chaco. Therefore, forest managers who have not declared may submit affidavits retroactive to that date, so that their workers can receive benefits above all, the pension contribution.
The entry into force of the convention was thanks to the strong commitment of forest managers and the support of Provincial Government and National agreed to subsidize part of the replacement rates for the full implementation of both.
This agreement provides financing through a replacement fee is paid at the time of market production, where in their respective calculations took into account an amount such that all producers in each sector record 100% of their workers. The fee will be paid at branches of Nuevo Banco del Chaco deposit slips to be issued at the time that each farmer applies the "Guide" to the Directorate of Forestry to dispatch forest products (Rollo, Stubby, Firewood Campana, Wood Charcoal, Green Lena mixture Bulk Coal, coal and Bagging Poles). The amount raised through the "replacement rate" is intended to: a) retirement contribution; b) Family Allowance; c) Social Work activity OSPRERA d) unemployment benefits; e) National Institute for Retirees and Pensioners, f) Occupational Hazards.

replacement rate for each product is:

Product and replacement rate per ton
  • Roll: $ 11.18
  • Roundwood: $ 18.21
  • Wood Bell: $ 6.61
  • Wood for Coal: $ 6.80
  • Coal in Bulk: $ 17.56
  • Coal Bagging: $ 4.13

This fee is payable at the time to market new production, thus avoiding the hold the cost producer a worker recorded even in those months in which no activity (as it occurs in commercial or industrial activity).
worth noting that this tool will benefit over 2,000 farmers and 8,000 workers in the rural sector forestry activities currently being developed mostly in the total informality.

producers are enabled to formally declare 100% of its workers engaged in the sector (can not include workers who are working in other primary activities, commercial / industrial). The same mechanism is usually used for state employees in any activity. From version 34 release 2 of the application SICOSS, which is available on the website of the AFIP, employers will be present from the fiscal year 12/2010 CUIL of workers indicating the mode code Contract 997 (Forest) (code approved by Resolution No. 2.868/2010 AFIP). The referral code is enabled only for forest producers whose cuits included in the lists approved by the AFIP and the time of the affidavits will notice that the system does not generate debt throwing a "zero" as the amount to be paid by the employer to each concept (see the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Employment).
Finally, given the decision taken by the President of Argentina after the visit of Minister Carlos Tomada the province has been established that those temporary workers who have "reserve position" will not lose the Universal for Child during the months that are not paying activities, thus facilitating the work of such adjustment.
To this end, the employer to make the monthly affidavit for contributions 931 F during the months of no activity, the employee must indicate the location for "14 - Subject position, and pay zero.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wording For Pleasure Party Invitations

Harry Potter and the first trailer for their grand final. I want to see your DuckFace

Would you like me?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Why Do My Daughter's Eyelids Look Pink

and was informed that this blog is available in the statistical report for the year 2010.

To access the 2010 statistics compiled by the Forestry Division of Chaco ud. must enter the STATS tab of this blog and then Statistical Report 2010.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Body Piercing In Metro Manila Malls

Review completed. Final Preparations Underway [On]

Recently, people Starmen has solved problems such as misplaced names in text windows, so it really is not much that needs to be corrected:

not worry about the margins of the description. That is already fixed.
to botepronto
So this is the most bleeding that has the game right now:

The store remains.

incompatibility of articles (the "The" should not be capitalized) is pretty much what has given us the most trouble during the translation process. When it seems that all is well you suddenly find things how are you.

--- Hello everyone! After one of our long silences (again, sorry) we are happy to announce that finally ALL script texts have been completely revised and corrected, which means that we are in final preparations for the launch of the patch.

We are currently focusing our efforts (with the invaluable help of the people of Starmen, of course) in two key tasks:

Editing Sprites
In the game there are many texts saved as sprites (signs, displays the title of each chapter, some menus, etc.), and of course need to be translated. In principle we would have them all edited for this first version of the patch, but if we were very pressed for time (we do not want to wait more than account for relatively minor details) we are bound to have ready the most essential and include others as they were running out.

As a reminder, we show some of the sprites and edited that have made my colleagues and, in the humble opinion of a server, are great:

resolution graphics glitches
After a testing session a few minor bugs have been persistent. There is nothing to stop playing the game, much less (we have not seen anything like crashes, resets, slowdowns or anything like that), but should I deceive, are details FEOS, and we want your first contact with Mother 3 in English as pleasant as possible. Here

faults to which I refer:

This is a snapshot of the Bestiary, where you can read descriptions of each enemy they have defeated, and practice with each musical combos. As you can see, the names of the monsters are totally misplaced.

This is a snapshot of a shop menu. For some reason, when you buy a piece of equipment, text \u0026lt;Would you sell your (current equipment)?> Is mixed with the confirmation of purchase, making it very difficult to read.

This is a snapshot of any dialogue. We do not know what to, but in talking to some characters (not many) all independent sprites on the screen (this is, those which are not part of the stage) disappear or are cut off ... it is quite obnoxious.

This is a screenshot of a battle. The names of the characters should be within its corresponding window, but instead the points are scattered around.

This is a snapshot of any dialogue. This is something that anyone who has followed the pictures and videos that have been up until now have very seen ... the name of the character who speaks at all times in that window should appear gray, but like the other faults that I mentioned , the letters are misplaced.

And no, this week we can not advance much because I'm moving and I'll be a couple of days without access to Internet, but once it is fully located and Starman staff with the key to solving all these problems and we provide the missing sprites we will get back on track to have this ready soon.

By not depending on us (at least not right now) we can not give an exact date for completion (I know, we too annoyed to say anything about not sure), but once you know how to solve these problems, solve them should be a cinch, so I just repeat again that of:

This summer everyone will be playing Mother 3 in English

the moment this is all that I can tell, we will be reporting as we solve these small failures or can specify a departure date for the patch. Until then I ask a little more of your great and commendable patience, encouragement, which no longer need anything!

Jimmytrius, spokesman for the English translation team.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Things To Writein Wedding Cards


Enel context of transactions between AFIP, Ministry of Labor and Department of Forests damnation conducted in February and April, with much success, Deputy Secretary of Natural Resources Mr. Michael Brunswig had a meeting with these entities elpasa April 20 in the city of Resistance to the purpose of conducting the raids unaevaluación and coordination of future actions arealizarse establishing a work schedule.
The same was attended by the Head of the Regional Directorate AFIP Resistance and the head of Investigation, the head of the Ministry of Labour at national level in Resistance and the Director of Forestry.

Mr. Miguel Ángel López, Director of Forests enhanced the importance of these operations in order to discourage informality in the forestry sector and to enable the mills workers a decent life ending with inadequate work practices in the province.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Things To Write In Death Anniversary Card

More progress in the San Bernardo Nursery

The head of the nursery; Standard Tourn reports on the tasks that today are done in the nursery and invites you to visit the facilities of the same.

Seedlings of different species of trees.

Currently in San Bernardo Forest elvivero continue with lainfraestructura repair work necessary to achieve production targets. It estafinalizando with the renovation of storage shed, which will granutilidad since it are having a space for storing machinery and tools and storage of inputs for production.

Development of new beds.
deproducción Among the tasks that are being developed, continue with the development in nuevoscanteros, increasing the stock of Grevillea species, ash, Japanese paradise, paradise parasol and yours. Today, transplantation is being performed demencionadas species from the beds of seedlings to their final pots.

Spare the storage shed.

The nursery already enrolled in the INASE seencuentra in the National Register of Commerce and Fiscalizaciónde Seeds, allowing us to continue producing low Remer quality standards established and have been certified by the Institute.

constock can account for: casuarina, Japanese paradise, paradise parasol, carob, for debuey, timbo, jacaranda, ash.

porventas For inquiries call 03735-15418842 or visit the facility, located in the neighborhood viverode the town of San Bernardo, from 7.30 to 11.30 and from 16.00 to 19.00, seráatendido by skilled personnel to advise.

Source: FundaciónSudoeste.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Should You Soak Porridge Overnight


The reality is that the decolonization Institute generated the problems and hinders the work of Forest laDirección for the care of the Native Forest.
The real problem is simple, and, therefore, the lack of definition of the problems the Institute decolonization and the problems are old, or current, and lack deresolución on them, or worse still, their solutions contrapuestasy contradictory. For example, case records of ocupaciónsuperpuestas grant or award certificates for people, then resolucionesde desadjudicación of the same people, or awards or records deocupación, to people who already had the title.
This obviously gives rise to infinidadde confusing events that impede the normal operation laDirección work of Forest, since it must meet the requirements of Laley, and accept the securities or certificates that applicants submit, teniendoque not "guess" or "assume" they are all illegal.
is impossible quel work by the Directorate of Forestry, with the tremendous legal uncertainty queimplica presuppose the existence of a permanent illegality lasocupaciones of public land for colonization poorly managed. Cabeaclarar that the administrative act "always" is legal.
For example, the much controvertidocaso tenure or ownership of Mr. Paredes, agricultural yOSD Villalba brothers, influenced and mistakenly used Colonization paraintentar tarnishing or soiling to the Department of Forests, in his unusual einexplicable confrontation, they only expose the levy decolonization, and thin Please make them, denotes the inefficiency of before, now and start as usual, since there are three individuals who have derechosadquiridos holding on the same lot, one with a record of occupation, another record deadjudicación (then desadjudicado), and one with title property, registered the Land Registry.
The casoVillalba , particularly the duties were repeatedly fined for sendasinfracciones Forest Regime, which is known in the File No. 241-190308-0373, No. 241-010807-0604; yExpediente No. E11-20010 -672, no actors estandoinscriptos forest.
In TRAINTIC Paredes, Luis Alberto Achievement submitted a comprehensive permit, the cuals canceled following that in 2008The award was rescinded .- There are 5 records condecomiso violations of wood in this land, one of which was made by propiodirector, and also a record by clearing without permission No. E5-2010-679.
In agricultural OSD TRAINTIC in as incumbents, and Silvopastoril deDeslinde presented permits, which were approved, but in elmomento they are aware of a complaint from Mr . Paredes, porsuperposición titles (the problem of the Institute of Colonization) is informamediante Simple Action No. E11-2010-2988 to Colonization to tomeintervención and inform us which way to go .- We never got an answer.
then preemptively OSD sesuspendieron Agricultural permits, which expired and Enfecha .- March 11, 2011, you are authorized only for purposes of travel picadasperimetrales elcampo, due to strong pressure from outsiders and employees Mr. Paredes, who were introduced to cut wood in the field illegally, and siempreteniendo into account previously submitted debidamentelegalizado Deed, plus the Resolution No. 61/11, corresponding to the Criminal Record Porel ordering the eviction of Mr. Villalba of the property.
Then, on April 12 this year, sepresentaron Mr. Villalba to report illegal logging and deforestation by deOSD and walls, enclosing a deOcupación Act signed by President of Settlement dated August 19 del2009.Todo this is a very difficult story to understand, and that is alien wing management of forests.
Notwithstanding this, the Directorate deBosques reports that yesterday, April 14, 2011, and in order deaclarar all this, there was a joint operation between the Directorate of Forestry, Ministry of Labour Nation, AFIP, accompanied by the Prison cuyoresultado is:
-En el predio que ocupa el Sr. LuisParedes, (parcela 106), a pesar de haber sido desadjudicado en el año 2008, talcomo lo tenemos acreditado, existe una explotación clandestina de carbón ypostes, se secuestraron 44 postes de quebracho colorado y 32 toneladas decarbón, se verificó la existencia de 6 empleados en negro, y condiciones no aptaspara el trabajo, contratados por el Sr. Ramón Vicente Gauna, quien a su vezdijo ser empleado del Sr. Luis Paredes.
-En el predio que ocupan los Sres.Villalba, pese a existir una orden judicial  de desalojo, además de continuar allí, seencontró explotación ilegal de madera.
"In the land occupied by the firm OSDagropecuaria, we checked the performance of the work for granted alpermiso (chopped), the existence of all employees in white, yGendarmería proceeded to seize three guns, 1 Rifle Cal, 22, 16 and a gauge UnaEscopeta caliber revolver 22 long, that were in manosde employees of the firm.
all actascorrespondientes were made and reported to all agencies involved to quetomen intervention.
quiereaclarar The Department of Forests that the procedures made in the month of February, in conjunction with DGI unoperativo, which was public knowledge, prosecutors fields hicieronactuaciones usurped by illegal logging, human trafficking and child labor, and to date the Institute decolonization took no action respect, tolerating this situation persistae even endorsing their silence, the situation of four usurpers more inthe same situation.
hope we have made clear unasituación very confusing, which has only one responsibility, and the Institute decolonization.
His power inefficient unatremenda subject to legal uncertainty for all managed, be they individuals, companies, whether in the Chaco or other provinces, because you never know, judging by what happens today, you never know who has larazón since that led to a legal level, it is obvious that all defenderánsus rights, and who will hold the best title, is the one out menosperjudicado.
But undoubtedly, the delChaco Province is the most affected by the poor performance of its officials, this example will, is a recent case whose ruling orders the province to a contractor in otorgarescritura sale, whose status was regularized ina and obtain the title since 1976. (35 years). EXTRA LASPALABRAS.
otrotema soon clear up on very serious, referring to forest policy and Colonization Instituteof interference with his famous "proof", leading to the cessation of losexpedientes.

Skelaxin Can You Get High

Communicates modications have been made available to 037.La No same effect since April 11, 2011.

you can access it by logging into LEGISLATION in this blog and then have to enter the title says Amendment to Order No. 037 .

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mount And Blade Tutorial Cheat

: Create your own version of Barbra Streisend. 4 minutes

Here 's a link to create with just typing your name or nickname, their own version of the famous song of Duck Sauce: Barbra Streisend.

In case you have not heard them here leave the video:

Although there is no way to download it if you can share it with your friends on Facebook . By the way here we left ours: Barbra Streisend version Mono Project.

What Colour Goes Well With Light Grey


The Department of Forests, the paths complaints received, estárealizando research on the shape and scope of llamadoConsejo of Foresters, which would consist of engineers, agronomists forestalese
Apparently, for years, this Council has certified course fees, endorsing the ejercidode the profession in the province of Chaco, no only foresters, but also some agronomists, when in fact, just about Civil anAssociation with legal personality, whose legal address ezel up the Forest Producers Association Sáenz Peña, in the city, the legal power nocorrespondiéndole professional license granted by lotanto, its members would only members of the civil association, bad llamadaConsejo.
only by a law, the State may grant professional licenses each province, and delegated control of its exercise to a Council or College, created by the same law for that purpose, but not asociacióncivil can a simple, given itself the right, keeping track of titles and registrations at its discretion without proper state control .-
If verified this information, that would amount to violation of unagrave the laws of professional responsibility, which would dandolugar illegal maneuvers, and traded on permissive technical plans, which desdehace time being detected by the Forestry Division.
Following these complaints received, it was reported that the prosecution would take prompt action ofthis to start investigacióncorrespondiente is prosecute if the consequences would be dire, and may even determine ladeclaración of nullity of all proceedings by dematrícula certification of professionals involved in the fraudulent management of the profession, leaving very badly to former Deputy Natural Resources, Mr. ForestalBejarano, and Agronomist Battaglia, who were its ideologues and founders.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lamisil And Giving Blood

They finished the training

Forest LaDirección decapacitación taught courses within provinceof on Project Formulation yEvaluación
Forest Inventory and Forest.
Practices in the forest during the course of Forest Inventory, INTA The Breñas.

The Forestry Division of the province of Chaco deprofesionales doomed to training and the general public, related to five courses forestalrealizó sector within the province in terms of wing , re domestic regulation, Budget Act Mínimospara 26,331 Native Forests and the provincial couple, Act 6409 of OrdenamientoTerritorial of Native Forests of the Province of Chaco, elDecreto N º 932/10 of the same regulatory and framed in Provincial lasIniciativas project-Native Forests and Biodiversity (BNB) - UNDP project 08/008- MSRN ARG IBRD 7520-AR.

More than fifty people in total attended the Cursode Formulation and Evaluation of Forestry Projects, as they were more detreinta course attendees Forest Inventory.
Engineers Dieringer Eduardo Pedro Delvalle and developing the themes for Forest Inventory Plaza.

sought with these skills than the general population interpret the value of native forests, the beneficiosambientales they provide and the need for respect for the natural resource. Tambiénse intended trained professionals paragenerar private and official management projects, conservation and / or recovery of native forests in the province and thus delChaco is expected to have a group of profesionalescapacitados in formulation, evaluation, management and monitoring of forest management projects that losbosques native of the province of Chaco are sustainable over time.
Hybrid quebracho
of 79 cm in diameter, total height 26 meters and 10 meters height shaft.

Course Development and Evaluation of Proyectosforestales was dictated by Mr. Oscar Masin Management by Carlos Cuenca and elContador Mr. Juan Pablo Cinto phthalate developed theAssociation Producers and Forest Industrial Castelli, of Las Breñas at INTA and the Forest Producers Association Province of the Plaza.
Contador Carlos Cuenca.

phthalate Eng. Juan Pablo Cinto lecturing.
Forest Inventory The course was in charge of forest losIngenieros and Eduardo Pedro Delvalle Dieringer, it was concl theory and practice. The same course was conducted in the Province Forestry Association deProductores Square with forest practices in the INTA laEstación Forest Plaza yposteriormente was conducted at INTA Las Breñas.
Mr. Oscar Masin training in Castelli.

note is the collaboration of the mentioned asociacionesforestales and INTA for the implementation of such courses.

Source: Agr. Natalia E. Parala Ambroggio Forestry Division.
Photos: Thanks to Ing.Agr. Diego Kalbermatter for photos in the Forest.
Other photos: Agr. Natalia E. Ambrogio.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Best Thing For Lcd Scratches

Full Album Completed MA

Hello! We

again at the end of the week, when I stop to think about it I realize how quickly the days pass, and you find out!

And when I think of what little is left for the wedding ... there if I get .... lol
Today I share with you some photos of the album that I taught in the previous post, which I did in a workshop with Lourdes.

Hope you like it as much as me.

A kiss and enjoy Sunday! (Although the weather was not much ....)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tsstcorp Cdw/dvd Tsl46d

exclusive Green Lantern The Movie

During WonderCon is CinemaCon and revealed the advancement of prelicula Green Lantern, with a premiere 3D and 2D scheduled next June 17, the film is directed by Martin Campbell and starring Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard, ; Mark Strong, Angela Bassett, Tim Robbins, Temuera Morrison, Jay O. Sanders, Taika Waititi, Jon Tenney and Geoffrey Rush.

Check out the video before you get off the net.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cycling Shaped Birthday Cake

Hangover 2 - The trailer of the week.

Without further ado, here we left the trailer of "The Hangover 2 / What happened yesterday 2"

Monday, March 28, 2011

Archery Recurve Risers


Attentive to the lush production depublicaciones wrong by the North Journal, The Directorate of Bosquesnuevamente requires the use of Right to Reply, should aclararnecesariamente each misinformation and tendentious daily sedifunde .
Before punctuating debidaaclaración recalled that the right to reply, is "the action ejerciciode why a personapuede express their disagreement with the issuance of a message for sucontenido or form. Is a right that is practiced in the civilized relacionesinterpersonales, especially when the person involved in elmensaje, is not this and feel aggrieved. There is a moral duty decomunicar given the opportunity to express their dissent. "
Under this, it is necessary dejarsentado, that this right of reply, exercised On Monday March 21 last, in response to the daily publication of North of Sunday March 20, by partedel production minister, Enrique Orban, on your behalf ofall governing body was not respected by the North Journal, and that inthe same note, within the right of reply, he introduced his clear position, entitled "Production Notes", making burdatendenciosidad intervention, which has been recurrent in recent days.
That said, our deldía denied point by point :
said the North Journal:
"inrespect point 13, accusing the failure to collect fines representing 100millones pesos ..."
Answer: During gestiónllevada out by the arborist, Mario Bejarano, by the Secretariat Natural deRecursos, it produced two short instruments plazoresultaron very controversial in its implementation , Decree No. 216/09, (aúnvigente) and Forest Certificate (not applicable) .-
delDiario Questioning North, referred promptly to the notice and publication in that medium duranteel 2009, when Mr. Mario Bejarano proclaimed a fabulous sum of $ 100,000,000, for the collection of fines Through the Directorate of Forests . It was based on elDecreto N º 216/09, which came into effect from March 2009, giving it retroactive effect and may be used at the time of detection dela satellite image, regardless of momentode the commission of the offense.
worth noting also queel Decree 216/09, establishing fines ranging from $ 2,950 to $ 10,000 porcada been removed.
Accordingly, the Natural Resources anteriorSecretario (Bejarano), ordered that the decree, seaplicara all cases that come before the Directorate deBosques, in which offenders were not yet reported, despite queen almost all cases the offenses were committed with anterioridada the effective date of the decree said. Thus, Mr. Bejarano automatically multiplied the many of you who threw the imágenessatelitales, for the maximum amount that ordered the new decree, ($ 10,000), fijandode mathematically the sum to be paid by the offender allegedly prior to being notified .-
Obviously, the sum of these accounts queresultaba reached such astronomical sums, and imagined yfantasiosos, there arises the large sum of $ 100,000,000, of which North .- daily sepregunta
Another measure porBejarano ordered was double the previous record for the duration of decreto216/09, or to be understood, "replace" new ones with the sanciónprevista in the new decree, in those cases where supuestosinfractores had not yet been reported, thus, the new leyvigente applied retroactively.
That operation, apartede retroactively apply the decree, meant "prejudgment" administration because all ocurríacuando just starting the record condemning without analyzing the situation the same or expect to complete the process to reach the final for the issuance of correspondienteResolución .-
seoriginaran This led to various poses legal by managed, arguing on the one hand, the "Principle deIrretroactividad of law", and secondly, the excess void punibilidadsolicitando administrative act under ladesproporcionalidad of the penalty, as there were different situations funds announced quetornaron illusory, for example, that some presentabansus permits, or that there was no native forest on the property, etc., but in cases lamayoría , reality and the evidence indicated that INFRACCIONESFUERON committed before OF ENTRY TERM OF DECREE No. 216/09, was accepted as the standard application of force at the time of the offense, not ladetección .- This explains clearly that queel amount calculating Bejarano up, it sounded very convenient for laprensa, and it was a way to add the accreditation of an amount unreal, but resultabamuy good management. That is the truth about the $ 100,000,000, which nuncafueron such, and therefore could never be recovered. (The year 2009 was the demenor income from fines to the Department of Forests, as it charged $ 700,000) .-
hope to have aclaradola doubt the Journal Editorial north, fines of $ 100,000,000, leaving their own conclusion of who is or was the "bad lapelícula" .-
We refer to segundoinstrumento created by Bejarano, Monte Native Certificate by Order No. 1671-1609, prompting criticism Clerks ofall the province, through judicial pose lacausa Padilla Echeverry "WRITE THE CHACO COLLEGE C / EXECUTIVE OF THE PROV. THE CHACO Y / OPROVINCIA CHACO S / ACTION AMPARO "Expte. No. 888/09 that was processed in the House Contentious Administrative .
This certificate each vezque a person wanted to sell a field, should apply to the Directorate deBosques this certificate to be presented to the clerk prior to laescritura. Thus, the escribanosdebían suspend the scriptures, until the previous Forest Management, issued the certificate, but as there were no records of offenders, the measure was unfeasible because the delay caused in the trámitesnotariales, since Forest management did not have that information, unless to conduct thorough investigations, file by file, Anopore year, etc., which inevitably caused the cessation of all activitieslisted that came off of such transactions .-
In the next section, setranscriben the rules governing the application of the laws to serexplicativos on the irregularities committed by Mr. Forest Bejarano inits previous administration.
1. DATE OF FROM A TO WHICH BEGINS A RULE a law and retroactivity of THE LAW:
temporary Term of Decree No. 216/09 . Art. 2 of the Laws Civilestablece clear that in cases where time is not determined " seránobligatorias after eight days of their official publication . This principle applies not only to the laws in the formal sense, but for all rule does not establish a specific date force input.
addition, Article 3 of the Civil Code clearly states that ' Lasley has no retroactive effect, whether or not public policy, salvodisposición otherwise. Retroactivity established by law in any casopodrá affect rights protected by constitutional guarantees . "
The principle of retroactivity means that the laws rigenpara the future and, therefore, a new law can not return to sold out situacioneso legal relations, or legal actions already taken. Loshechos past who have exhausted all their own virtuality can not seralcanzados by the new law, the notion of legal consumption, and the affected sise, retroactivity would be incurred .-
In this case, the Decree No. 216/09 was published in Official elBoletín of the province of Chaco, February 23, 2009, noestableciéndose any specific date of entry into force. Therefore, temporary suaplicación started from the eighth day after supublicación in the official gazette of the province of Chaco, this is the March 8, 2009. Until then, the decree was in force ILO standard N º 817/05.
There is a fundamental principle of criminal law " nullumcrimen iuditio ac sine lege" , this requires that the legal existence penalde the contrary, necessarily dependent on a statute that the set. The procedure followed Administration to implement the sanctions, lasgarantías must respect the provisions of Article 18 of the Constitution (Dromi, José Roberto, "Administrative Criminal Law", Volume I, Editorial Astrea, Buenos Aires, 1992 , p. 125).
also the High Court has understood that the configuration of undelito or infringement by slight, and its repression, is subject to the core task of the legislature and is beyond the orbit of the facultadesejecutivas. Nobody is forced to do what the law does not require private or it does not prohibit foulbrood (article 19 of the Constitution ). Hence arises the need for a law to send or prohibits a thing, lest a person can incurred at fault for having done or omitted to act endeterminado sense. And it must be, at the same time, a sanciónlegal to repress the breach so that person should be condemned portal made (Article 18 of the Constitution ).
the proportionality of the sanction. Another of the principles of administrative penalty has not sidoobservado in the implementation of the fine is that it blocks excess puniciónpor unreasonable and disproportionate amount of the penalty.
The case law and doctrine developed elconcepto of "excessive punishment" as grounds for revocation of administrative acts involving an act so unreasonable, that is a direct affront to losartículos 28 and 33 of the Constitution (Marienhoff, Michael S., "excesssilicone of punishment as invalidating the legal act of public law" Law 1989-E-963) .- In the case of Decree 216/09, and indiscriminate amount suaplicación referred by him superior in almost Disable ALL cases, besides being irrelevant, the exorbitant fine imposed eraevidente. Only enough to see that the amount was about ten times superioral market value of the property in question, making unviable suaplicación, and therefore its recovery.

What Does Having An Extra Vertebra Do To You

Achievements in San Bernardo Nursery

is presented Here is a report on progress achieved in the nursery of St. Bernard for the past seven months.
San Bernardo, Chaco.

The San Bernardino Forest Nursery, Nursery located in the neighborhood of the town, open to the public from Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 12:00. and 16:00 to 19:00.

Carob Seedlings Nursery in San Bernardo.

The commitment to quality has led to the registration of same to the proper authorities, aiming at the production of trees in a continuous and adequate quantities to meet demand in the area.

Tourn Standard says: "Our nursery is one of the first projects Foundation
Southwest Chaco in partnership with the Department of Forestry Province, in seven months of work has been put in terms of facilities and reach a production of 45,000 copies, is this specializing in the production of native forest species and exotic
adaptable to the area to use curtains, forest shelter and ornamentation, as well as garden ornamentals. "

currently has stock of species: Fresno, Foot Ox, Casuarina, umbrella and Paradise Paradise Japanese, Jacaranda, Timbo, Algarrobo and Yours. There are also varieties of ornamental garden, are specializing in species that are adapted to the climate of the area.

Notably, the team of workers and professionals are available to the public
to meet their needs and invites you to visit their facilities.

and are sold to individuals are made collaboration agreements with institutions. Tourn said "we are carrying out afforestation Quad EGB N ° 755 and landscaping of the estate of Florentino Ameghino Museum. In 2010 began an awareness campaign on environmental care, inviting the local educational institutions to perform guided visits with his students, where they could know what the productive work performed in the nursery, as well as develop research educational activities and recreational activities for children. "

Source: Southwest Foundation Chaco.

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had almost completed an MA I did in a workshop with Lourdes in Bambola, but as always, I needed to put the photos, so I took the crop of yesterday for them.

I love the result, I must say that is definitely one of my favorite projects, how it changes when you put the photos!

In my case I have pictures of my childhood, when he was super small, b / w every time I see him I like !!!!!

I put a picture for you to see the result. As you can put the pictures of the entire album to miss no detail, because it really is worth the entire view.

Have a nice week!