The head of the nursery; Standard Tourn reports on the tasks that today are done in the nursery and invites you to visit the facilities of the same.
Seedlings of different species of trees. |
Currently in San Bernardo Forest elvivero continue with lainfraestructura repair work necessary to achieve production targets. It estafinalizando with the renovation of storage shed, which will granutilidad since it are having a space for storing machinery and tools and storage of inputs for production.
Development of new beds. |
deproducción Among the tasks that are being developed, continue with the development in nuevoscanteros, increasing the stock of Grevillea species, ash, Japanese paradise, paradise parasol and yours. Today, transplantation is being performed demencionadas species from the beds of seedlings to their final pots.
Spare the storage shed. |
The nursery already enrolled in the INASE seencuentra in the National Register of Commerce and Fiscalizaciónde Seeds, allowing us to continue producing low Remer quality standards established and have been certified by the Institute.
constock can account for: casuarina, Japanese paradise, paradise parasol, carob, for debuey, timbo, jacaranda, ash.
porventas For inquiries call 03735-15418842 or visit the facility, located in the neighborhood viverode the town of San Bernardo, from 7.30 to 11.30 and from 16.00 to 19.00, seráatendido by skilled personnel to advise.
Source: FundaciónSudoeste.
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