Monday, April 11, 2011

What Colour Goes Well With Light Grey


The Department of Forests, the paths complaints received, estárealizando research on the shape and scope of llamadoConsejo of Foresters, which would consist of engineers, agronomists forestalese
Apparently, for years, this Council has certified course fees, endorsing the ejercidode the profession in the province of Chaco, no only foresters, but also some agronomists, when in fact, just about Civil anAssociation with legal personality, whose legal address ezel up the Forest Producers Association Sáenz Peña, in the city, the legal power nocorrespondiéndole professional license granted by lotanto, its members would only members of the civil association, bad llamadaConsejo.
only by a law, the State may grant professional licenses each province, and delegated control of its exercise to a Council or College, created by the same law for that purpose, but not asociacióncivil can a simple, given itself the right, keeping track of titles and registrations at its discretion without proper state control .-
If verified this information, that would amount to violation of unagrave the laws of professional responsibility, which would dandolugar illegal maneuvers, and traded on permissive technical plans, which desdehace time being detected by the Forestry Division.
Following these complaints received, it was reported that the prosecution would take prompt action ofthis to start investigacióncorrespondiente is prosecute if the consequences would be dire, and may even determine ladeclaración of nullity of all proceedings by dematrícula certification of professionals involved in the fraudulent management of the profession, leaving very badly to former Deputy Natural Resources, Mr. ForestalBejarano, and Agronomist Battaglia, who were its ideologues and founders.


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