Forest LaDirección decapacitación taught courses within provinceof on Project Formulation yEvaluación
Forest Inventory and Forest.
Practices in the forest during the course of Forest Inventory, INTA The Breñas. |
The Forestry Division of the province of Chaco deprofesionales doomed to training and the general public, related to five courses forestalrealizó sector within the province in terms of wing , re domestic regulation, Budget Act Mínimospara 26,331 Native Forests and the provincial couple, Act 6409 of OrdenamientoTerritorial of Native Forests of the Province of Chaco, elDecreto N º 932/10 of the same regulatory and framed in Provincial lasIniciativas project-Native Forests and Biodiversity (BNB) - UNDP project 08/008- MSRN ARG IBRD 7520-AR.
More than fifty people in total attended the Cursode Formulation and Evaluation of Forestry Projects, as they were more detreinta course attendees Forest Inventory.
Engineers Dieringer Eduardo Pedro Delvalle and developing the themes for Forest Inventory Plaza. |
sought with these skills than the general population interpret the value of native forests, the beneficiosambientales they provide and the need for respect for the natural resource. Tambiénse intended trained professionals paragenerar private and official management projects, conservation and / or recovery of native forests in the province and thus delChaco is expected to have a group of profesionalescapacitados in formulation, evaluation, management and monitoring of forest management projects that losbosques native of the province of Chaco are sustainable over time.
of 79 cm in diameter, total height 26 meters and 10 meters height shaft. |
Course Development and Evaluation of Proyectosforestales was dictated by Mr. Oscar Masin Management by Carlos Cuenca and elContador Mr. Juan Pablo Cinto phthalate developed theAssociation Producers and Forest Industrial Castelli, of Las Breñas at INTA and the Forest Producers Association Province of the Plaza.
Contador Carlos Cuenca. |
phthalate Eng. Juan Pablo Cinto lecturing. |
Forest Inventory The course was in charge of forest losIngenieros and Eduardo Pedro Delvalle Dieringer, it was concl theory and practice. The same course was conducted in the Province Forestry Association deProductores Square with forest practices in the INTA laEstación Forest Plaza yposteriormente was conducted at INTA Las Breñas.
Mr. Oscar Masin training in Castelli. |
note is the collaboration of the mentioned asociacionesforestales and INTA for the implementation of such courses.
Source: Agr. Natalia E. Parala Ambroggio Forestry Division.
Photos: Thanks to Ing.Agr. Diego Kalbermatter for photos in the Forest.
Other photos: Agr. Natalia E. Ambrogio.
Photos: Thanks to Ing.Agr. Diego Kalbermatter for photos in the Forest.
Other photos: Agr. Natalia E. Ambrogio.
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