The reality is that the decolonization Institute generated the problems and hinders the work of Forest laDirección for the care of the Native Forest.
The real problem is simple, and, therefore, the lack of definition of the problems the Institute decolonization and the problems are old, or current, and lack deresolución on them, or worse still, their solutions contrapuestasy contradictory. For example, case records of ocupaciónsuperpuestas grant or award certificates for people, then resolucionesde desadjudicación of the same people, or awards or records deocupación, to people who already had the title.
This obviously gives rise to infinidadde confusing events that impede the normal operation laDirección work of Forest, since it must meet the requirements of Laley, and accept the securities or certificates that applicants submit, teniendoque not "guess" or "assume" they are all illegal.
is impossible quel work by the Directorate of Forestry, with the tremendous legal uncertainty queimplica presuppose the existence of a permanent illegality lasocupaciones of public land for colonization poorly managed. Cabeaclarar that the administrative act "always" is legal.
For example, the much controvertidocaso tenure or ownership of Mr. Paredes, agricultural yOSD Villalba brothers, influenced and mistakenly used Colonization paraintentar tarnishing or soiling to the Department of Forests, in his unusual einexplicable confrontation, they only expose the levy decolonization, and thin Please make them, denotes the inefficiency of before, now and start as usual, since there are three individuals who have derechosadquiridos holding on the same lot, one with a record of occupation, another record deadjudicación (then desadjudicado), and one with title property, registered the Land Registry.
The casoVillalba , particularly the duties were repeatedly fined for sendasinfracciones Forest Regime, which is known in the File No. 241-190308-0373, No. 241-010807-0604; yExpediente No. E11-20010 -672, no actors estandoinscriptos forest.
In TRAINTIC Paredes, Luis Alberto Achievement submitted a comprehensive permit, the cuals canceled following that in 2008The award was rescinded .- There are 5 records condecomiso violations of wood in this land, one of which was made by propiodirector, and also a record by clearing without permission No. E5-2010-679.
In agricultural OSD TRAINTIC in as incumbents, and Silvopastoril deDeslinde presented permits, which were approved, but in elmomento they are aware of a complaint from Mr . Paredes, porsuperposición titles (the problem of the Institute of Colonization) is informamediante Simple Action No. E11-2010-2988 to Colonization to tomeintervención and inform us which way to go .- We never got an answer.
then preemptively OSD sesuspendieron Agricultural permits, which expired and Enfecha .- March 11, 2011, you are authorized only for purposes of travel picadasperimetrales elcampo, due to strong pressure from outsiders and employees Mr. Paredes, who were introduced to cut wood in the field illegally, and siempreteniendo into account previously submitted debidamentelegalizado Deed, plus the Resolution No. 61/11, corresponding to the Criminal Record Porel ordering the eviction of Mr. Villalba of the property.
Then, on April 12 this year, sepresentaron Mr. Villalba to report illegal logging and deforestation by deOSD and walls, enclosing a deOcupación Act signed by President of Settlement dated August 19 del2009.Todo this is a very difficult story to understand, and that is alien wing management of forests.
Notwithstanding this, the Directorate deBosques reports that yesterday, April 14, 2011, and in order deaclarar all this, there was a joint operation between the Directorate of Forestry, Ministry of Labour Nation, AFIP, accompanied by the Prison cuyoresultado is:
-En el predio que ocupa el Sr. LuisParedes, (parcela 106), a pesar de haber sido desadjudicado en el año 2008, talcomo lo tenemos acreditado, existe una explotación clandestina de carbón ypostes, se secuestraron 44 postes de quebracho colorado y 32 toneladas decarbón, se verificó la existencia de 6 empleados en negro, y condiciones no aptaspara el trabajo, contratados por el Sr. Ramón Vicente Gauna, quien a su vezdijo ser empleado del Sr. Luis Paredes.
-En el predio que ocupan los Sres.Villalba, pese a existir una orden judicial de desalojo, además de continuar allí, seencontró explotación ilegal de madera.
"In the land occupied by the firm OSDagropecuaria, we checked the performance of the work for granted alpermiso (chopped), the existence of all employees in white, yGendarmería proceeded to seize three guns, 1 Rifle Cal, 22, 16 and a gauge UnaEscopeta caliber revolver 22 long, that were in manosde employees of the firm.
all actascorrespondientes were made and reported to all agencies involved to quetomen intervention.
quiereaclarar The Department of Forests that the procedures made in the month of February, in conjunction with DGI unoperativo, which was public knowledge, prosecutors fields hicieronactuaciones usurped by illegal logging, human trafficking and child labor, and to date the Institute decolonization took no action respect, tolerating this situation persistae even endorsing their silence, the situation of four usurpers more inthe same situation.
hope we have made clear unasituación very confusing, which has only one responsibility, and the Institute decolonization.
His power inefficient unatremenda subject to legal uncertainty for all managed, be they individuals, companies, whether in the Chaco or other provinces, because you never know, judging by what happens today, you never know who has larazón since that led to a legal level, it is obvious that all defenderánsus rights, and who will hold the best title, is the one out menosperjudicado.
But undoubtedly, the delChaco Province is the most affected by the poor performance of its officials, this example will, is a recent case whose ruling orders the province to a contractor in otorgarescritura sale, whose status was regularized ina and obtain the title since 1976. (35 years). EXTRA LASPALABRAS.
otrotema soon clear up on very serious, referring to forest policy and Colonization Instituteof interference with his famous "proof", leading to the cessation of losexpedientes.
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